首页 > 解决方案 > 自定义 Vim 写入功能以制作备份副本


我想在 Vim 中创建一个 write 函数,它执行以下操作:


标签: vimbackup


I would highly recommend some form of version control, like git or mercurial. This will give you the file history that you want (bonus: branching) and will also provide easy way to clone and share history between different repositories.


You can use a plugin like vim-futitive to handle staging, commits, and many other git functions. Vimcasts provides some a nice screencast tutorial for fugitive:

Persistent Undo

To go along with version control, Vim also provides persistent undo where it save's Vim's undo history to a file. See :h persistent-undo.

Simply set 'undofile' in your vimrc:

set undofile

May want to set 'undodir' to a different location, e.g. set undodir=~/.local/vim/undo. Note: 'undodir' must exist.

It should be noted persistent undo is not version control and should not be treated as such. For example undo history can easily be messed up by editing a file in a different editor.

Plugins like Gundo and undotree may help in navigating deep in the past or complicated undo histories.
