首页 > 解决方案 > 将列表元素与捕获进行比较:相互比较必须首先发生......元素顺序也很重要


我正在用 Jython/Python 编写一个用于图像分析的脚本(使用 ImageJ)。我的目标是将图像相互比较...




imagefiles = ["A", "B", "C"]

第一:顺序很重要。 "A"vs 与vs"B"不同。"B""A"

第二:列表的大小是可变的,基于用户输入。在此示例中,用户输入了 3 个文件:A,B,C,但代码需要容纳元素数量不等于 3 的实例。

第三:不允许自我比较。即:"A"vs "A". 不能发生。


"A" vs "B"那时"B" vs "A"而不是"A" vs "B"那时"A" vs "C"



"A" vs "B"
"B" vs "A"
"A" vs "C"
"C" vs "A"
"B" vs "C"
"C" vs "B"


from ij import IJ  #using Jython scripting in the ImageJ program

imagefiles = ["A", "B", "C"]

for index, imgs in enumerate(imagefiles):
    for s, secondimage in enumerate(imagefiles):
        if s != index:
            IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+imgs+" element2="+secondimage) #this calls the plugin (PluginFE) within the ImageJ program)

I'm trying to think about how to accomplish the comparison order requirement...and coming up with something like this:

for imgs in imagefiles:
    for index in range(len(imagefiles)):
      if index < len(imagefiles):
        IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+imgs+"element2="+imagefiles[index+1])

but this fails with the error

IndexError: index out of range: 3

I understand the error,and the problem...I just can't figure out how to work around. I'm still pretty new to coding, so I may be missing an obvious python function!

Thanks for any input

标签: pythonloopsiterationjythonimagej


Try this:

for index, imgs in enumerate(imagefiles[:-1]):
    for secondimage in imagefiles[index+1:]:
        IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+imgs+" element2="+secondimage)
        IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+secondimage+" element2="+imgs)

Starting the inner loop from the next element after the one in the outer loop ensures that each pair is only processed once, and imgs will always be the earlier one. Then it calls IJ.run() with the images in the two orders, first with imgs vs secondimage, then secondimage vs imgs.

I think you can use itertools.combinations as well:

import itertools
for imgs, secondimage in itertools.combinationa(imagefiles, 2):
    IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+imgs+" element2="+secondimage)
    IJ.run("PluginFE", "element1="+secondimage+" element2="+imgs)
