首页 > 解决方案 > how can I check if there is no winner in a tic tac toe game visual basic


This is a User vs User Tic Tac Toe game; how can I implement a loop to check whether there is a TIE in the game instead of using if/else statements?

If not, is there a way to make this code less long with loops?

This is my code so far. The game accurately checks if there is a winner but is missing to know when there is no winner.

Public Class Form1

Dim choice As Boolean
Dim playerXwins, playerOwins As Integer

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    Panel1.Enabled = False
    Button1.Enabled = False
    Button2.Enabled = False
    Button3.Enabled = False
    Button4.Enabled = False
    Button5.Enabled = False
    Button6.Enabled = False
    Button7.Enabled = False
    Button8.Enabled = False
    Button9.Enabled = False
    ExitButton.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub ExitButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitButton.Click
End Sub

Private Sub PlayButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PlayButton.Click

    PlayButton.Enabled = False
    Panel1.Enabled = True
    Button1.Enabled = True
    Button2.Enabled = True
    Button3.Enabled = True
    Button4.Enabled = True
    Button5.Enabled = True
    Button6.Enabled = True
    Button7.Enabled = True
    Button8.Enabled = True
    Button9.Enabled = True
    ExitButton.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Buttons_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click, Button4.Click, Button5.Click, Button6.Click, Button7.Click, Button8.Click, Button9.Click

    If choice = False Then
        CType(sender, Button).Text = "X"
        choice = True
        CType(sender, Button).Text = "O"
        choice = False
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub ChoosingWinner()

    If Button1.Text = "X" And Button2.Text = "X" And Button3.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won this Round")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins

    ElseIf Button1.Text = "X" And Button4.Text = "X" And Button7.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won Round")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins

    ElseIf Button1.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button9.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button2.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button8.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button3.Text = "X" And Button6.Text = "X" And Button9.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button3.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button7.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button4.Text = "X" And Button5.Text = "X" And Button6.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button7.Text = "X" And Button8.Text = "X" And Button9.Text = "X" Then
        MsgBox("Player X Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerXwins = playerXwins + 1
        Label2.Text = playerXwins
    End If

    If Button1.Text = "O" And Button2.Text = "O" And Button3.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button1.Text = "O" And Button4.Text = "O" And Button7.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button1.Text = "O" And Button5.Text = "O" And Button9.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button2.Text = "O" And Button5.Text = "O" And Button8.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button3.Text = "O" And Button6.Text = "O" And Button9.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button3.Text = "O" And Button5.Text = "O" And Button7.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button4.Text = "O" And Button5.Text = "O" And Button6.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    If Button7.Text = "O" And Button8.Text = "O" And Button9.Text = "O" Then
        MsgBox("Player O Won!")
        Button1.Text = ""
        Button2.Text = ""
        Button3.Text = ""
        Button4.Text = ""
        Button5.Text = ""
        Button6.Text = ""
        Button7.Text = ""
        Button8.Text = ""
        Button9.Text = ""
        playerOwins = playerOwins + 1
        Label1.Text = playerOwins
    End If

    End Sub

End Class

标签: vb.netvisual-studio-2015


将你所有的Ifs 变成一个If-Elif结构,并在决赛中Elif(在所有检查是否有人获胜之后),检查是否所有按钮都已使用,如果已使用,则为平局。
