首页 > 解决方案 > 对扇区中的细胞进行计数


问题陈述 - 计算扇区中的单元格


网格以 0 和 1 的二维数组形式给出,每个数组由 0 和 1 组成。1 表示单元格已填充,0 表示单元格为空。

下面的 2D 数组说明了一个具有 3 个扇区的网格(最大的包含 5 个单元格)。


class Cell {
    int value;
    boolean checked;
    Cell(int value,boolean checked) {
        this.value = value;
        this.checked = checked;

public class CountSectorSize {
    int traverseGrid(Cell[][] a) {
        int tempSectorSize, sectorSize = 0;
        // Cell[][] a = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; ++j) {
                if ((a[i][j].value == 0) || (a[i][j].checked == true))
                else {
                    tempSectorSize = findSectorSize(a, i, j);
                    System.out.println (tempSectorSize);
                    if (tempSectorSize > sectorSize)
                        sectorSize = tempSectorSize;
        return sectorSize;
int findSectorSize(Cell[][] a, int i, int j) {
    if ((i >= 0) && (i < a.length) && (j >= 0) && (j < a[i].length)) { // Check
        // Boundaries check
        if ((a[i][j].value == 0) || (a[i][j].checked == true))
            return 0;
        else {
            a[i][j].checked = true;
            int thisCellScore = 1;
            //Calling adjacent cells on the top, bottom and right of the cell as other cell would have been covered in previous calls.
            int top = findSectorSize(a, i - 1, j);
            int topRight = findSectorSize(a, i - 1, j + 1);
            int after = findSectorSize(a, i, j + 1);
            int bottomRight = findSectorSize(a, i + 1, j + 1);
            int bottom = findSectorSize(a, i + 1, j);
            return thisCellScore+ top + topRight + after + bottomRight
                    + bottom;
    } else {
        return 0;

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    CountSectorSize countSectorSize = new CountSectorSize();
    // Sample Grid
    Cell[][] sample = {{new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(1,false)},
            {new Cell(1,false),new Cell(1,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false),new Cell(0,false)}};
    System.out.println("Final Result \t "+countSectorSize.traverseGrid(sample));

在 main 方法中输入这个样本,我应该得到 13 作为输出。但实际输出为 8。不胜感激。

标签: javaarraysalgorithmrecursion



            int bottomLeft = findSectorSize(a, i + 1, j - 1);
            int before = findSectorSize(a, i, j - 1);
            int topLeft = findSectorSize(a, i - 1, j - 1);
            return thisCellScore + top + topRight + after + bottomRight
                    + bottom + bottomLeft + before + topLeft;
