首页 > 解决方案 > Checking dates if it is in a range


My Java FX app handles hours worked. I have work start and end time in 2 date fields. I succeeded in calculating the differences between 2 datesTime; but now how could I check if the result is in a night or day range???? The day begin at 6 and ends at 22h. For example someone who worked between 3Am till 11Pm. Here is below how I did to have the total number of hours worked.

public void CalculNbreJourTravaille() {
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyy HH:mm");

    try {
        Date ddtt = format.parse(ddt.getText());
        Date dftt = format.parse(dft.getText());
        long diff = dftt.getTime() - ddtt.getTime();
        long diffhours = diff / (60*60*1000)%24;
        long diffdays = diff/(24*60*60*1000);
        long total = diffhours + (diffdays*24);
        result.setText(total + " Hours");   
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

We have workers who can work beyond 10PM, and the pay would not be the same. If they work after 10pm, they will have a special pay. We pay at the end of the work. They could would work only 10 days or more.

标签: javadatejavafxfxml


You should use the new DateTimeFormatter class to give you a LocalDateTime object, which you can pull the hour from.

DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
LocalDateTime localDateTimeFrom = format.parse(dateFrom.getText(), LocalDateTime::from);
LocalDateTime localDateTimeTo = format.parse(dateTo.getText(), LocalDateTime::from);

int hoursFrom = localDateTimeFrom.getHour();
int hoursTo = localDateTimeTo.getHour();

boolean workedNight = hoursFrom < 6 || hoursTo > 22;
