首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 std::cerr 时字符被打乱



该代码在 Visual Studios 2017 中运行良好,但现在我在使用 g++ 的 Linux 环境中。


getLineFromTextFile(std::string textOrCin):

std::string getLineFromTextFile(std::string textOrCin) {
std::string currentLine;

if (textOrCin == "text") {
    if (!inputStream.eof()) {
        std::getline(inputStream, currentLine);
        //as long as currentLine's first two digits are "//..."
        while ((currentLine[0] == '/' && currentLine[1] == '/') || currentLine == "") {
            std::getline(inputStream, currentLine);
        std::cout << currentLine << "\n";
    else {
        std::cerr << "[global::getLineFromTextFile]: Critcal Error; End of file found, can't load anymore!\n";
        std::cerr << "exiting...";
else if (textOrCin == "cin") {
    std::cin >> currentLine;
else {
    std::cerr << "[global::getLineFromTextFile]: Critcal Error; Invalid 'textOrCin' input.\n";
    std::cerr << "exiting...";
return currentLine;


void ZoinkersEngine::displayMainMenu(User& currentUser, std::string textOrCin) {
std::string option = "";
if (currentUser.getRole() == "admin") {
    do {
        std::cout << std::string(40, '\n');
        std::cout << "Successfully logged in...\n\n\n";
        std::cout << "Main Menu:\n";
        std::cout << "[0] Order Plan\n";
        std::cout << "[1] Generate Plan\n";
        std::cout << "[2] Manage Profile\n";
        std::cout << "[3] Manage Exhibits\n";
        std::cout << "[4] Manage Animals\n";
        std::cout << "[5] Manage Users\n";
        std::cout << "[6] Search Animal/Exhibit by Name\n";
        std::cout << "[7] Record Favorability\n";
        std::cout << "[8] Log Animal/Exhibit Care\n";
        std::cout << "[9] Add or Remove an Exhibit\n";
        std::cout << "[10] Add or Remove an Animal\n";
        std::cout << "[Cancel] To exit\n\n";

        std::cout << "Please input number of selected option: ";
        // std::cin >> option;
        option = getLineFromTextFile(textOrCin);

        //DEBUG START
        std::cerr << "Option: [" << option "].\n";
        std::cerr << "Option.size(): [" << option.size() "].\n";
        //DEBUG END

        if (option == "0") {
            currentUser.orderPlan(zoinkersDirectory, textOrCin);
        else if (option == "1") {
            currentUser.generatePlan(zoinkersDirectory, textOrCin);
        else if (option == "2") {
            currentUser.manageProfile(zoinkersDirectory, textOrCin);
        else if (option == "3") {
            zoinkersDirectory.manageExhibit(currentUser.getUsername(), textOrCin);
        else if (option == "4") {
            zoinkersDirectory.manageAnimal(currentUser.getUsername(), textOrCin);
        else if (option == "5") {
            zoinkersDirectory.manageUsers(currentUser.getUsername(), textOrCin);
        else if (option == "6") {
            zoinkersDirectory.searchAnimalExhibit(textOrCin, currentUser);
        else if (option == "7") {
            currentUser.favorabilityUI(zoinkersDirectory, textOrCin);
        else if (option == "8") {
        else if (option == "9") {
            zoinkersDirectory.addRemoveExhibit(currentUser.getUsername(), textOrCin);
        else if (option == "10") {
            zoinkersDirectory.addRemoveAnimal(currentUser.getUsername(), textOrCin);

        else if (option == "cancel" || option == "Cancel") {
    } while (option != "cancel" || option != "Cancel");


Successfully logged in...

Main Menu:
[0] Order Plan
[1] Generate Plan
[2] Manage Profile
[3] Manage Exhibits
[4] Manage Animals
[5] Manage Users
[6] Search Animal/Exhibit by Name
[7] Record Favorability
[8] Log Animal/Exhibit Care
[9] Add or Remove an Exhibit
[10] Add or Remove an Animal
[Cancel] To exit

Please input number of selected option: 0
]ption: [0
option.size(): [2]

我应该只输入“0”,但正如在 'option.size(): [2]' 中看到的,还有一些额外的东西把它搞砸了。

即使它只是文本文件中的一个空行,它也会拉入那个奇怪的加扰字符(大小应该是 0 但为 1 并且仍然加扰)。

我唯一的想法是我在我的 .txt 文件中使用了一个 g++ 无法识别的奇怪的换行符。(.txt 是在崇高的文本编辑器中制作的)。

我尝试将我的代码和文本文件复制到记事本中保存、关闭、重新打开并粘贴到 emacs 中,但仍然没有运气。

注意:所有功能都适用于 VS 和 G++ 的手动输入。



标签: c++unicodecharacterascii


Solved: It was exactly what I said. My test document used windows newline characters, not Unix.

Fix: Use an online converter to convert your .txt file from Windows supported characters to Unix character supported characters.

Edit #2: I used http://newline.nadav.org/

Note: I am in no way affiliated with the website I shared above!
