首页 > 解决方案 > Windows 窗体富文本框。如何在“rtf”中查找粗体、下划线和其他文本格式并为 3rd 方供应商插入其他标签



我将 RTF 文本存储在一个数据库列中,该列可以包含 Windows 窗体 Richtextbox 中的粗体、斜体、下划线和其他文本格式。我们需要将文本导出到第三方供应商,该供应商具有一组不同的定义标签,告诉供应商如何格式化文本。不幸的是,第 3 方供应商无法读取 RTF 格式,也无法读取 HTML、XML 等。

我们需要在 Richtextbox 中导出“纯”文本,但要找到用户在文本中添加粗体、斜体、下划线和其他格式的位置,并替换为 3rd 方供应商标签。


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18 这是\b粗体\par \par \b0这是\b \b0\i 斜体\par \par \i0 这是\ul 下划线\ulnone\par }







标签: c#.netvb.net



 Public Shared Function ParseRTF(ByRef rtf As RichTextBox) As String
        Dim returnText As String = ""
        Dim isBold As Boolean = False
        Dim isUnderline As Boolean = False
        Dim isItalics As Boolean = False
        Dim isBullets As Boolean = False

        Dim isBoldBegin As Boolean = False
        Dim isUnderlineBegin As Boolean = False
        Dim isItalicsBegin As Boolean = False
        Dim isBulletsBegin As Boolean = False

        Dim isBoldEnd As Boolean = False
        Dim isUnderlineEnd As Boolean = False
        Dim isItalicsEnd As Boolean = False
        Dim isBulletsEnd As Boolean = False

        Dim tags As String = String.Empty

        Dim bold As String = "<B>"
        Dim underline As String = "<U>"
        Dim italics As String = "<I>"
        Dim bullet As String = "<T2><BULLET>"
        Dim newLine As String = "<NL>"
        Dim lastChar As String = String.Empty

        rtf.SelectionStart = 0
        rtf.SelectionLength = 0


            For x As Integer = 0 To rtf.TextLength - 1
                rtf.SelectionStart = x
                rtf.SelectionLength = 1
                tags = String.Empty
                isBoldBegin = False
                isBoldEnd = False
                isUnderlineBegin = False
                isUnderlineEnd = False
                isItalicsBegin = False
                isItalicsEnd = False

                'Test if text has formatting
                If rtf.SelectionFont.Bold Then
                    If Not isBold Then
                        isBoldBegin = True
                        isBold = True
                        isBoldEnd = False
                    End If
                    If isBold Then
                        isBoldBegin = False
                        isBold = False
                        isBoldEnd = True
                    End If
                End If

                If rtf.SelectionFont.Italic Then
                    If Not isItalics Then
                        isItalicsBegin = True
                        isItalics = True
                        isItalicsEnd = False
                    End If
                    If isItalics Then
                        isItalicsBegin = False
                        isItalics = False
                        isItalicsEnd = True
                    End If
                End If

                If rtf.SelectionFont.Underline Then
                    If Not isUnderline Then
                        isUnderlineBegin = True
                        isUnderline = True
                        isUnderlineEnd = False
                    End If
                    If isUnderline Then
                        isUnderlineBegin = False
                        isUnderline = False
                        isUnderlineEnd = True
                    End If
                End If
                'END Test if text has formatting

                ' Do reverse order if for any "END" tags
                If isUnderlineEnd Then
                    tags += underline
                End If

                If isItalicsEnd Then
                    tags += italics
                End If

                If isBoldEnd Then
                    tags += bold
                End If

                'Work with beginning tags
                If isBoldBegin Then
                    tags += bold
                End If

                If isItalicsBegin Then
                    tags += italics
                End If

                If isUnderlineBegin Then
                    tags += underline
                End If

                If x = rtf.TextLength - 1 Then
                    If isUnderline Then
                        lastChar += underline
                    End If
                    If isItalics Then
                        lastChar += italics
                    End If
                    If isBold Then
                        lastChar += bold
                    End If
                End If

                If rtf.SelectedText.Contains(vbLf) Then
                    If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tags) Then
                        If isBoldBegin Or isUnderlineBegin Or isItalicsBegin Then
                            returnText += newLine & tags
                        End If

                        If isBoldEnd Or isUnderlineEnd Or isItalicsEnd Then
                            returnText += tags & newLine
                        End If
                        returnText += newLine
                    End If
                    returnText += tags & rtf.SelectedText
                End If

                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastChar) Then
                    returnText += lastChar
                End If

            Return returnText

        Catch ex As Exception
            Throw New CvrException(ex, ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_ERROR)
        End Try
    End Function
