首页 > 解决方案 > 无法在我的控制台中打印下拉选项文本


    WebElement AllDeptDropDown = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#search-in-dept"));

    Select s = new Select(AllDeptDropDown); 

    List<WebElement>DrpDownOption = s.getOptions();
    System.out.println("Total All Dropdown otions are - " + DrpDownOption.size());
    for (WebElement i : DrpDownOption) {
        System.out.println("DorpdownOptions Texts are - " +i.getText());



Total All Dropdown otions are - 30
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
DorpdownOptions Texts are - 
PASSED: ShopSite

    Default test
    Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Default suite
Total tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

标签: javaselenium



            Select s =  new Select(Webelement of select tag);
            List<WebElement> allOptions = driver.findElements(By.xpath("xpath for all options may be a class name"));
            for(WebElement options : allOptions){
