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我有一个表snp150Common.txt,其中第二个和第三个字段$2 and $3可以相等或不相等。


chr1    10177   10177   rs367896724 -   -   -/C insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    10352   10352   rs555500075 -   -   -/A insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    11007   11008   rs575272151 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    11011   11012   rs544419019 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    13109   13110   rs540538026 G   G   A/G single      intron
chr1    13115   13116   rs62635286  T   T   G/T single      intron
chr1    13117   13118   rs62028691  A   A   C/T single      intron
chr1    13272   13273   rs531730856 G   G   C/G single      ncRNA
chr1    14463   14464   rs546169444 A   A   A/T single      near-gene-3,ncRNA


chr1    10176   10177   rs367896724 -   -   -/C insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    10351   10352   rs555500075 -   -   -/A insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    11007   11008   rs575272151 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    11011   11012   rs544419019 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    13109   13110   rs540538026 G   G   A/G single      intron
chr1    13115   13116   rs62635286  T   T   G/T single      intron
chr1    13117   13118   rs62028691  A   A   C/T single      intron
chr1    13272   13273   rs531730856 G   G   C/G single      ncRNA
chr1    14463   14464   rs546169444 A   A   A/T single      near-gene-3,ncRNA


zcat < snp150/snp150Common.txt.gz | head | awk '{ if ($2 == $3) $2=$2-1; print $0 }' | cut -f 2,3,4,5,8,9,10,12,16


chr1    10177   10177   rs367896724 -   -   -/C insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    10352   10352   rs555500075 -   -   -/A insertion   near-gene-5
chr1    11007   11008   rs575272151 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    11011   11012   rs544419019 C   C   C/G single      near-gene-5
chr1    13109   13110   rs540538026 G   G   A/G single      intron
chr1    13115   13116   rs62635286  T   T   G/T single      intron
chr1    13117   13118   rs62028691  A   A   C/T single      intron
chr1    13272   13273   rs531730856 G   G   C/G single      ncRNA
chr1    14463   14464   rs546169444 A   A   A/T single      near-gene-3,ncRNA


标签: unixif-statementawkconditionaltext-processing



$ zcat snp150/snp150Common.txt.gz | 
  awk '
  BEGIN { OFS="\t" }                       # field separators are most likely tabs
      if ($3 == $4)                        # based on cut these should be compared
      print $2,$3,$4,$5,$8,$9,$10,$12,$16  # ... and there fields printed
  NR==10 { exit }'                         # this replaces head

