首页 > 解决方案 > Excel counting seperate values in the same cell


I have a excel sheet in which I need to count diffrent values from one cell.
The ones and zeros vary as well as the amount of <br> that seperated them. I need to count the ones and zeros seperatly. 10000010011<br>10101010101<br>01100111000<br>101101010110 In this example I need four values indicating the amount of ones and zeros. Here it would be: zeros1:7 ones1:4, zeros2: 5 ones2:6, zeros3: 6 ones3: 5, zeros4: 5 ones4: 7. I really would appreciate any suggestions!

标签: excelexcel-formula


假设每个二进制总是 11 位:



复制过来以适应并重复使用,0,代替,1,或只是从 中减去上述结果11
