首页 > 解决方案 > 使 VBA 函数参数成为供用户选择的列表



我已经提到了这个问题和答案:VBA Function argument list select



  1. 枚举描述值是否可以像函数一样显示为下拉列表Subtotal

  2. 第一个参数是否可以根据分配的用户从单元格中获取值?


Option Explicit
Public Enum nations
    USA = 1
    AU = 2
    CN = 3
    SG = 4
End Enum

Function intlCartage(country As nations, weight As Double)

Select Case country
    Case nations.AU
        intlCartage = 15 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 10
    Case nations.CN
        intlCartage = 20 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 5
    Case nations.SG
        intlCartage = 15 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 10
    Case nations.USA
        intlCartage = 10 + WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((weight - 1), 0) * 8
    Case Else
        intlCartage = "please contact sales for quote."
End Select

End Function

标签: excelvba


枚举描述值是否可以像 Subtotal 函数一样显示为下拉列表?



使用数据>数据工具>数据验证>数据验证(键盘快捷键 = Alt,D,L)并将值USA,AU,CN,SG作为可用选项列表。然后,您需要一个字符串到枚举转换器来为您进行自动转换。


'Standard Module
Public Function updatedCartage(ByVal country As String, ByVal weight As Double) As Variant
    Dim enumCountry As nations
    Dim nationConverter As NationsConverter
    Set nationConverter = New NationsConverter
    enumCountry = nationConverter.ToEnum(country)

    updatedCartage = intlCartage(enumCountry, weight)
End Function

您将把这段代码放在一个类模块中。我已将我的重命名为NationsConverteras Class1is not descriptive,完全没有。

'For Early binding set a reference to
'Tools>References> "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
'then use Scripting.Dictionary instead of Object.
'You'd then change where you set the variable to
'New Scripting.Dictionary from CreateObject()
Private StringForEnum As Object
Private EnumForString As Object

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub PopulateDictionaries()
    Set EnumForString = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    EnumForString.Add "USA", nations.USA
    EnumForString.Add "AU", nations.AU
    EnumForString.Add "CN", nations.CN
    EnumForString.Add "SG", nations.SG

    Set StringForEnum = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim element As Variant
    For Each element In EnumForString.Keys
        StringForEnum.Add EnumForString.Item(element), element
End Sub

Public Function ToEnum(ByVal value As String) As nations
    value = UCase$(value)

    If Not EnumForString.Exists(value) Then
        ThrowInvalidArgument "ToEnum", value
    End If

    ToEnum = EnumForString(value)
End Function

Public Function ToString(ByVal value As nations)
    If Not StringForEnum.Exists(value) Then
        ThrowInvalidArgument "ToString", CStr(value)
    End If

    ToString = StringForEnum(value)
End Function

Private Sub ThrowInvalidArgument(ByVal source As String, ByVal value As String)
    Err.Raise 5, Information.TypeName(Me) & "." & source, "Invalid input '" & value & "' was supplied."
End Sub

Public Property Get Enums() As Variant
    Enums = EnumForString.Items
End Property

Public Property Get Strings() As Variant
    Strings = EnumForString.Keys
End Property
