首页 > 解决方案 > 在 sql 中运行但不在 .Net 中运行的查询


我正在尝试在返回单个记录的 c# .net 代码中编写 sql 查询。当我使用提供的参数在 sql 中执行时它运行正确,但从.Net 代码执行时不返回任何行。不确定是什么问题 ?下面的代码解释了控制流程

.Net 代码

 public class FedExciseExpense
    public float DomicileId { get; set; }
    public float CoveragePolicyTypeId { get; set; }
    public bool Is953D { get; set; }
    public decimal? Value { get; set; }

public List<FedExciseExpense> GetFedExciseTaxExpenses(int industryId, int domicileId,int coveragePolicyTypeId, bool is953D)
            var sql = @"select distinct gm.geographyBaseId as DomicileId, fedt.is953d as Is953D, fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId as CoveragePolicyTypeId, fedt.value as Value
                                from fedExciseTax fedt
                                join GeographyGroup gg on gg.geographyGroupId = fedt.geographyGroupId
                                join GeographyName gn on gn.geographyGroupId = gg.geographyGroupId and gn.geographyNameId = fedt.geographyNameId
                                join GeographyMap gm on gm.geographyNameId = gn.geographyNameId
                                join industryMap iMatch on iMatch.industryNameId = fedt.industryNameId
                                join industryMap iInput on iInput.industryBaseId = iMatch.industryBaseId
                                     where gm.geographyBaseId = @domicileId and iInput.industryNameId = @industryId and fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId = @coveragePolicyTypeId and fedt.is953d = @is953D";

            var param = new { domicileId, industryId, coveragePolicyTypeId , is953D };

            return WithCache(sql, param, () =>
                using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection())

                    var data = conn.Query(sql, param).Select(dyn => new FedExciseExpense()
                     DomicileId = (int)dyn.domicileId,
                    CoveragePolicyTypeId = (int)dyn.coveragePolicyTypeId,
                    Is953D = (int)dyn.Is953d ,
                    Value = (decimal?)dyn.Value

                    return data;

  private static T WithCache<T>(string query, object parameters, Func<T> execution)
            var key = query;
            if (parameters != null)
                key += "@" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters, Formatting.None);
            return (T)QueryCache.GetOrAdd(key, _ => execution());

Actual query 

    declare @domicileId int = 69,
            @industryId int = 52,
            @coveragePolicyTypeId int = 1,
            @is953D int = 1

select distinct gm.geographyBaseId as DomicileId, fedt.is953d as Is953D, fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId as CoveragePolicyTypeId, fedt.value as Value                                  from fedExciseTax fedt                                  join GeographyGroup gg on gg.geographyGroupId = fedt.geographyGroupId                                  join GeographyName gn on gn.geographyGroupId = gg.geographyGroupId and gn.geographyNameId = fedt.geographyNameId                                  join GeographyMap gm on gm.geographyNameId = gn.geographyNameId          join industryMap iMatch on iMatch.industryNameId = fedt.industryNameId                                  join industryMap iInput on iInput.industryBaseId = iMatch.industryBaseId                                       
where gm.geographyBaseId = @domicileId and iInput.industryNameId = @industryId and fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId = @coveragePolicyTypeId and fedt.is953d = @is953D



select distinct gm.geographyBaseId as DomicileId, fedt.is953d as Is953D, fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId as CoveragePolicyTypeId, fedt.value as Value
                                from fedExciseTax fedt
                                join GeographyGroup gg on gg.geographyGroupId = fedt.geographyGroupId
                                join GeographyName gn on gn.geographyGroupId = gg.geographyGroupId and gn.geographyNameId = fedt.geographyNameId
                                join GeographyMap gm on gm.geographyNameId = gn.geographyNameId
                                join industryMap iMatch on iMatch.industryNameId = fedt.industryNameId
                                join industryMap iInput on iInput.industryBaseId = iMatch.industryBaseId
                                     where gm.geographyBaseId = @domicileId and iInput.industryNameId = @industryId and fedt.coveragePolicyTypeId = @coveragePolicyTypeId and fedt.is953d = @is953D@{"domicileId":69,"industryId":52,"coveragePolicyTypeId":0,"is953D":1}


private static List<T> RunQuery<T>(string query, object parameters = null)
            return WithCache(query, parameters, () => RunNoCacheQuery<T>(query, parameters));

        private static List<T> RunNoCacheQuery<T>(string query, object parameters = null)
            using (var conn = ConnectionFactory.GetConnection())
                var data = conn.Query<T>(query, parameters).ToList();
                return data;

标签: c#sql.net

