首页 > 解决方案 > 使用反射循环遍历类中的结构


public struct volt_struct
    public string volt1;
    public string volt2;
    public string volt2;
    public string volt3;
private class Injection_class
    public volt_struct stru1;
    public volt_struct stru2;
    public volt_struct stru3;
    public volt_struct stru4;
    public volt_struct stru5;
    public volt_struct stru6;

public void main()
    Injection_class Time = new Injection_class();

    //Here is code that fills Time with Time values as string type

    string s="";
    FieldInfo[] fi_inner = Time.stru1.GetType().GetFields();
    FieldInfo[] fi_outer = Time.GetType().GetFields();

    // This part is wrong, but shows what I want to achive.
    foreach(FieldInfo field_outer in fi_outer)
        foreach(FieldInfo field_inner in fi_inner)
            s = string.concat(s+field_outer.field_inner.GetValue(Time) + ";");


我想使用反射将存储在 Time 中的字符串连接到字符串 s 中。稍后我必须修改类和结构,我不想调整连接代码。

通过对类中的每个结构使用 foreach 循环,我得到了想要的结果。

 foreach (FieldInfo field in fi_inner)
    s = string.Concat(s + field.GetValue(Time.stru1) + ";");
    //field.SetValue(Time, "not measured"); //reset value
foreach (FieldInfo field in fi_inner)
    s = string.Concat(s + field.GetValue(Time.stru2) + ";");
    //field.SetValue(Time, "not measured"); //reset value
//and so one for each other struct


标签: c#classstructreflectionnested



public struct volt
    private string[] _volts = new string[4];
    public string[] volts {get {return _volts;} }

    public string volt1 {
       get {return _volts[0];}
       set {_volts[0] = value;}
    public string volt2 {
       get {return _volts[1];}
       set {_volts[1] = value;}
    public string volt3 {
       get {return _volts[2];}
       set {_volts[2] = value;}
    public string volt4 {
       get {return _volts[3];}
       set {_volts[3] = value;}

private class Injection
    private _volt[] = new volt[5];

    public volt[] {get {return _volt;} }

    public volt stru1 {
        get {return _volt[0];}
        set {_volt[0] = value;}
    public volt stru2 {
        get {return _volt[1];}
        set {_volt[1] = value;}
    public volt stru3 {
        get {return _volt[2];}
        set {_volt[2] = value;}
    public volt stru4 {
        get {return _volt[3];}
        set {_volt[3] = value;}
    public volt stru5 {
        get {return _volt[4];}
        set {_volt[4] = value;}
    public volt stru6 {
        get {return _volt[5];}
        set {_volt[5] = value;}


public void main()
    Injection Time = new Injection();

    //Here is code that fills Time with Time values as string type

    string result = "";
    foreach(volt v in Time.volt)
        foreach(string s in v.volts)
           result += s + ";"
