首页 > 解决方案 > 从抽象类继承并实现接口的模拟类


假设以下场景:我有一个PhoneController使用类的Phone类。Phone是一个继承自抽象类Device并实现IPhone接口的类。为了测试PhoneController我想模拟Phone类,但我不知道如何使用 NSubstitute 来完成,因为Phone类继承了抽象类,另外它实现了接口。


public abstract class Device
    protected string Address { get; set; }

public interface IPhone
    void MakeCall();

public class Phone : Device, IPhone
    public void MakeCall()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class PhoneController
    private Phone _phone;

    public PhoneController(Phone phone)
        _phone = phone;

public class PhoneControllerTests
    public void TestMethod1()
        // How mock Phone class? 
        //var mock = Substitute.For<Device, IPhone>();

        //usage of mock
        //var controller = new PhoneController(mock);



public abstract class Device
    protected string Address { get; set; }

    public abstract string GetStatus();

public interface IPhone
    void MakeCall();

public class Phone : Device, IPhone
    public void MakeCall()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override string GetStatus()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class PhoneController
    private Phone _phone;

    public PhoneController(Phone phone)
        _phone = phone;

    public string GetDeviceStatus()
        return _phone.GetStatus();

    public void MakeCall()

public class PhoneControllerTests
    public void TestMethod1()
        // How mock Phone class? 
        //var mock = Substitute.For<Device, IPhone>();

        //usage of mock
        //var controller = new PhoneController(mock);

标签: c#unit-testingmockingnsubstitute



  1. 您可以模拟 iPhone 界面(正如您在注释掉的代码中所做的那样。

  2. 您可以子类化电话类(手动或使用 NSubstitute 的.ForPartsOf<>)。有关此的博客文章,请参见此处

我发现如果我使用 Arrange/Act/Assert 方法构建我的测试,那么我要测试的内容会更清楚(理想情况下,您的 Act 部分应该有一个调用;例如:

public void TestMethod1()
    // Arrange
    var mock = Substitute.For<IPhone>();
    var controller = new PhoneController(mock);

    // Act
    int result = controller.Method();

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal(result, 3);

编辑 - 基于更新的评论


// Arrange
var phone = new Phone();

// Act
string result = phone.GetStatus();

// Assert
Assert.Equal("New", result);
