首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 GuzzleClient 抓取时 html 中随机丢失的节点





[0] => [
    [1] => Firm: The Firm One Name
    [2] => Firm:
    [3] => The Firm One Name
    [4] => Office: 5th Av. 18980, NY
    [5] => Office:
    [6] => 5th Av. 18980, NY
    [7] => City: New York 
    [8] => City:
    [9] => New York
    [10] => Country: USA
    [11] => Country:
    [12] => USA
    [13] => Tel: +123 4 567 890
    [14] => Tel:
    [15] => +123 4 567 890
    [16] => Email: person.one@example.com
    [17] => Email:
    [18] => person.one@example.com
[1] => [
    [1] => Firm: The Firm Two Name
    [2] => Firm:
    [3] => The Firm Two Name
    [4] => Office: 5th Av. 342680, NY
    [5] => Office:
    [6] => 5th Av. 342680, NY
    [7] => City: New York
    [8] => City:
    [9] => New York
    [10] => Country: USA
    [11] => Country:
    [12] => USA
    [13] => Tel: +123 4 567 890
    [14] => Tel:
    [15] => +123 4 567 890
    [16] => Fax: +123 4 567 891
    [17] => Fax:
    [18] => +123 4 567 891
    [19] => Email: person.two@example.com
    [20] => Email:
    [21] => person.two@example.com
    [2] => [[1] => Firm: The Firm Three Name
    [2] => Firm:
    [3] => The Firm Three Name
    [4] => Office: 5th Av. 89280, NY
    [5] => Office:
    [6] => 5th Av. 89280, NY
    [7] => Country: USA
    [8] => Country:
    [9] => USA
    [10] => Fax: +123 4 567 899
    [11] => Fax:
    [12] => +123 4 567 899
    [13] => Email: person.three@example.com
    [14] => Email:
    [15] => person.three@example.com

可能会注意到,当我迭代并保存$values[15]最后一个数组(即电子邮件地址)时,第一个数组[0][15]对应于 Tel。数字。



我正在处理的 html 结构非常简短,如下例所示,有时会丢失节点...

<div id="profiledtails">
<div class="abc-g">
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Firm:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
            <a href="http://example.com/123456/" title="More information here" class="Item" abc-tracker="office" abc-tracking="true">Person One</a>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Office:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
                5th Av.<br>18980,<br>NY
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">City:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">New York</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Country:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">USA</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Tel:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">+123 4 567 890</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Fax:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">+123 4 567 891</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Email:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
            <a href="mailto:mperson.one@example.com">person.one@example.com</a></div>

标签: phpparsingguzzlescrape


我之前处理过相同的情况,这种情况的唯一解决方案是正则表达式,因为 Html 元素每次都会更改,并且在使用正则表达式之前您无法跟踪值,这是您的修复

$re = '/        <div class="abc-u first">Email:<\/div>
        <div class="abc-u">
            <a href="mailto:mperson.one@example.com">(.*)<\/a>/';
$str = '<div id="profiledtails">
<div class="abc-g">
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Firm:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
            <a href="http://example.com/123456/" title="More information here" class="Item" abc-tracker="office" abc-tracking="true">Person One</a>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Office:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
                5th Av.<br>18980,<br>NY
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">City:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">New York</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Country:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">USA</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Tel:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">+123 4 567 890</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Fax:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">+123 4 567 891</div>
    <div class="abc-gf">
        <div class="abc-u first">Email:</div>
        <div class="abc-u">
            <a href="mailto:mperson.one@example.com">person.one@example.com</a></div>

preg_match($re, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);

// Print the entire match result

