首页 > 解决方案 > JHipster - 使用来自 elasticsearch 的 API 调用对实体进行动态过滤 - 如何以适当的方式使用 angular5 实现它?


我是 Jhipster 的新手,也不是经验丰富的开发人员。所以我生成了一个 Jhipster 项目,需要一个带有动态column-filtering选项的简单表。我已经看到 Jhipster 上生成了我需要的一切backend-side


    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
public List<Customer> findByCriteria(CustomerCriteria criteria) {
    log.debug("find by criteria : {}", criteria);
    final Specifications<Customer> specification = createSpecification(criteria);
    return customerRepository.findAll(specification);

 * Return a {@link Page} of {@link Customer} which matches the criteria from the database
 * @param criteria The object which holds all the filters, which the entities should match.
 * @param page The page, which should be returned.
 * @return the matching entities.
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public Page<Customer> findByCriteria(CustomerCriteria criteria, Pageable page) {
    log.debug("find by criteria : {}, page: {}", criteria, page);
    final Specifications<Customer> specification = createSpecification(criteria);
    return customerRepository.findAll(specification, page);

 * Function to convert CustomerCriteria to a {@link Specifications}
private Specifications<Customer> createSpecification(CustomerCriteria criteria) {
    Specifications<Customer> specification = Specifications.where(null);
    if (criteria != null) {
        if (criteria.getId() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getId(), Customer_.id));
        if (criteria.getLastName() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getLastName(), Customer_.lastName));
        if (criteria.getName() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getName(), Customer_.name));
        if (criteria.getPhoneNumber() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getPhoneNumber(), Customer_.phoneNumber));
        if (criteria.getProvider() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getProvider(), Customer_.provider));
        if (criteria.getVoNumber() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getVoNumber(), Customer_.voNumber));
        if (criteria.getTransactionType() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getTransactionType(), Customer_.transactionType));
        if (criteria.getKomponent() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getKomponent(), Customer_.komponent));
        if (criteria.getActivationDate() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getActivationDate(), Customer_.activationDate));
        if (criteria.getSimNumber() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getSimNumber(), Customer_.simNumber));
        if (criteria.getOrderNumber() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getOrderNumber(), Customer_.orderNumber));
        if (criteria.getTariff() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getTariff(), Customer_.tariff));
        if (criteria.getOption() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getOption(), Customer_.option));
        if (criteria.getHardware() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getHardware(), Customer_.hardware));
        if (criteria.getImei() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getImei(), Customer_.imei));
        if (criteria.getPurchasingPrice() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getPurchasingPrice(), Customer_.purchasingPrice));
        if (criteria.getRetailPrice() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getRetailPrice(), Customer_.retailPrice));
        if (criteria.getProvision() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getProvision(), Customer_.provision));
        if (criteria.getMarge() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getMarge(), Customer_.marge));
        if (criteria.getHwWkz() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildRangeSpecification(criteria.getHwWkz(), Customer_.hwWkz));
        if (criteria.getPaid() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildSpecification(criteria.getPaid(), Customer_.paid));
        if (criteria.getEmployee() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getEmployee(), Customer_.employee));
        if (criteria.getComment() != null) {
            specification = specification.and(buildStringSpecification(criteria.getComment(), Customer_.comment));
    return specification;


public class CustomerCriteria implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private LongFilter id;

private StringFilter lastName;

private StringFilter name;

private LongFilter phoneNumber;

private StringFilter provider;

private LongFilter voNumber;

private StringFilter transactionType;

private StringFilter komponent;

private LocalDateFilter activationDate;

private LongFilter simNumber;

private LongFilter orderNumber;

private StringFilter tariff;

private StringFilter option;

private StringFilter hardware;

private LongFilter imei;

private BigDecimalFilter purchasingPrice;

private BigDecimalFilter retailPrice;

private BigDecimalFilter provision;

private BigDecimalFilter marge;

private BigDecimalFilter hwWkz;

private BooleanFilter paid;

private StringFilter employee;

private StringFilter comment;

public CustomerCriteria() {

public LongFilter getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(LongFilter id) {
    this.id = id;

public StringFilter getLastName() {
    return lastName;

public void setLastName(StringFilter lastName) {
    this.lastName = lastName;

public StringFilter getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(StringFilter name) {
    this.name = name;

public LongFilter getPhoneNumber() {
    return phoneNumber;

public void setPhoneNumber(LongFilter phoneNumber) {
    this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

public StringFilter getProvider() {
    return provider;

public void setProvider(StringFilter provider) {
    this.provider = provider;

public LongFilter getVoNumber() {
    return voNumber;

public void setVoNumber(LongFilter voNumber) {
    this.voNumber = voNumber;

public StringFilter getTransactionType() {
    return transactionType;

public void setTransactionType(StringFilter transactionType) {
    this.transactionType = transactionType;

public StringFilter getKomponent() {
    return komponent;

public void setKomponent(StringFilter komponent) {
    this.komponent = komponent;

public LocalDateFilter getActivationDate() {
    return activationDate;

public void setActivationDate(LocalDateFilter activationDate) {
    this.activationDate = activationDate;

public LongFilter getSimNumber() {
    return simNumber;

public void setSimNumber(LongFilter simNumber) {
    this.simNumber = simNumber;

public LongFilter getOrderNumber() {
    return orderNumber;

public void setOrderNumber(LongFilter orderNumber) {
    this.orderNumber = orderNumber;

public StringFilter getTariff() {
    return tariff;

public void setTariff(StringFilter tariff) {
    this.tariff = tariff;

public StringFilter getOption() {
    return option;

public void setOption(StringFilter option) {
    this.option = option;

public StringFilter getHardware() {
    return hardware;

public void setHardware(StringFilter hardware) {
    this.hardware = hardware;

public LongFilter getImei() {
    return imei;

public void setImei(LongFilter imei) {
    this.imei = imei;

public BigDecimalFilter getPurchasingPrice() {
    return purchasingPrice;

public void setPurchasingPrice(BigDecimalFilter purchasingPrice) {
    this.purchasingPrice = purchasingPrice;

public BigDecimalFilter getRetailPrice() {
    return retailPrice;

public void setRetailPrice(BigDecimalFilter retailPrice) {
    this.retailPrice = retailPrice;

public BigDecimalFilter getProvision() {
    return provision;

public void setProvision(BigDecimalFilter provision) {
    this.provision = provision;

public BigDecimalFilter getMarge() {
    return marge;

public void setMarge(BigDecimalFilter marge) {
    this.marge = marge;

public BigDecimalFilter getHwWkz() {
    return hwWkz;

public void setHwWkz(BigDecimalFilter hwWkz) {
    this.hwWkz = hwWkz;

public BooleanFilter getPaid() {
    return paid;

public void setPaid(BooleanFilter paid) {
    this.paid = paid;

public StringFilter getEmployee() {
    return employee;

public void setEmployee(StringFilter employee) {
    this.employee = employee;

public StringFilter getComment() {
    return comment;

public void setComment(StringFilter comment) {
    this.comment = comment;

public String toString() {
    return "CustomerCriteria{" +
            (id != null ? "id=" + id + ", " : "") +
            (lastName != null ? "lastName=" + lastName + ", " : "") +
            (name != null ? "name=" + name + ", " : "") +
            (phoneNumber != null ? "phoneNumber=" + phoneNumber + ", " : "") +
            (provider != null ? "provider=" + provider + ", " : "") +
            (voNumber != null ? "voNumber=" + voNumber + ", " : "") +
            (transactionType != null ? "transactionType=" + transactionType + ", " : "") +
            (komponent != null ? "komponent=" + komponent + ", " : "") +
            (activationDate != null ? "activationDate=" + activationDate + ", " : "") +
            (simNumber != null ? "simNumber=" + simNumber + ", " : "") +
            (orderNumber != null ? "orderNumber=" + orderNumber + ", " : "") +
            (tariff != null ? "tariff=" + tariff + ", " : "") +
            (option != null ? "option=" + option + ", " : "") +
            (hardware != null ? "hardware=" + hardware + ", " : "") +
            (imei != null ? "imei=" + imei + ", " : "") +
            (purchasingPrice != null ? "purchasingPrice=" + purchasingPrice + ", " : "") +
            (retailPrice != null ? "retailPrice=" + retailPrice + ", " : "") +
            (provision != null ? "provision=" + provision + ", " : "") +
            (marge != null ? "marge=" + marge + ", " : "") +
            (hwWkz != null ? "hwWkz=" + hwWkz + ", " : "") +
            (paid != null ? "paid=" + paid + ", " : "") +
            (employee != null ? "employee=" + employee + ", " : "") +
            (comment != null ? "comment=" + comment + ", " : "") +


 searchByField(fieldName, fieldValue) {
    if (!fieldValue) {
        return this.clear();
    this.page = 0;
    this.fieldName = fieldName,
    this.fieldValue = fieldValue;
    this.router.navigate(['/customer', {
        fieldName: this.fieldName,
        fieldValue: this.fieldValue,
        page: this.page,
        sort: this.predicate + ',' + (this.reverse ? 'asc' : 'desc')


    searchByField(req?: any): Observable<HttpResponse<Customer[]>> {
    const options = createRequestOption(req);
    return this.http.get<Customer[]>(this.resourceSearchFieldUrl, { params: options, observe: 'response' })
        .map((res: HttpResponse<Customer[]>) => this.convertArrayResponse(res));

我现在想要的是结合表中每一列的 Searchqueries 并将其发送到 elasticsearch api 并获取用于填充搜索的正确 url,如下所示:



标签: springelasticsearchangular5jhipster


尝试 :

searchByField(fieldName, fieldValue) {
    if (!fieldValue) {
        return this.clear();
    this.page = 0;
    this.router.navigate(['/customer', {
        this.fieldName:this.fieldValue; //   'customerName.contains': 'Jackson',
        page: this.page,
        sort: this.predicate + ',' + (this.reverse ? 'asc' : 'desc')
