首页 > 解决方案 > Unable to click "Create an account" button on Firefox browser by robot framework


Unable to click "Create an account" button on firefox browser (version:59.03 & 60, geckodriver-v0.20.0 & v0.20.1 for win64) by robot framework on RIDE from link:

Code Like on RIDE

Open Browser    http://automationpractice.com   firefox     
Click Link  class=login                 
Wait Until Element Is Visible   xpath://input[@name='back']/following-sibling::button[@name='SubmitCreate'] None    None   
Click Button    xpath://input[@name='back']/followingsibling::button[@name='SubmitCreate'] 

XPath(//button[@type='submit' and @name='SubmitCreate']) is working and test cases is Pass. But the browser is not able to click on Create an account button. More details may be seen from the link. I already passed 3 days did not get a solution. Could yoy please take a look.

标签: seleniumrobotframework


某些浏览器版本无法单击某些按钮操作。3天后,我得到了解决方案。它适用于 Mozilla Firefox 版本 52 和 Gecko 驱动程序版本 0.18.0。谢谢大家。
