首页 > 解决方案 > 在 ng-packagr 构建中包含 json 文件


我想将 json 文件导入我的 Angular 5 应用程序,然后构建一个库。我可以通过包含此代码来完成第一部分

declare module "*.json" {
    const value: any;
    export default value;

to typings.d.ts,但是当我尝试构建它时,它失败并出现错误

Cannot find module '../../assets/locale-en.json'.


标签: angulartypescriptng-packagr


最后,我只是编写了将json文件转换为ts文件的脚本,并将其添加到用于 packagr build in 的脚本命令中package.json


scripts: {
 "packagr": "node ./scripts/update-component-lib-locale-json.js && ng-packagr -p ng-package.json && rm -rf lib/node_modules && rm lib.tgz"


#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs');
var Mustache = require('mustache');

var locales = [

 * Updates the component library's locale JSON with the shared locale JSON
 * of the parent project.
 * NOTE: This has been implemented as a workaround for not being able to
 * dynamically load the shared locale JSON file in the component library's
 * `locale-<locale>.ts` file. This seems to be a limitation of `ng-packagr` and
 * could be resolved in future releases, or by someone smarter than me ;)
 * @param {string} locale - A two-character locale string (e.g. 'en').
var updateComponentLibLocaleJSON = function (locale) {
  locale = locale.toLowerCase().trim();

  // Location of the component locale definition file for this locale (required by `ng-packagr`).
  var componentLibLocaleJSONPath = './src/components/locale-' + locale + '.ts';

  // Location of the generic locale definition file Mustache template.
  var componentLocaleJSONTemplatePath = './src/components/locale.ts.mustache';

  // Location of the shared locale JSON file for this locale.
  var sharedLocaleJSONPath = './src/assets/locale-' + locale + '.json';

  // Read the shared JSON for this locale, render the Mustache template with
  // that JSON and save the output to the component lib's locale JSON file for
  // this locale.
  var sharedLocaleJSON = fs.readFileSync(sharedLocaleJSONPath).toString();
  var componentLocaleJSONTemplate = fs.readFileSync(componentLocaleJSONTemplatePath).toString();
  var updatedComponentLocaleJSON =
    Mustache.render(componentLocaleJSONTemplate, { localeJSON: sharedLocaleJSON });
  fs.writeFileSync(componentLibLocaleJSONPath, updatedComponentLocaleJSON);

for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
