首页 > 解决方案 > VBA 中的类型 13 数据不匹配错误


下面是我为在 Excel 工作表中搜索评论而编写的代码,评论也包含特殊字符。谁能帮我摆脱类型不匹配错误。下面是我粘贴的代码以供参考

Option Explicit
 Sub Match_ProjCode()
 Dim CSAT_Comments As Workbook
 Dim comment As Worksheet
 Dim matchcomment As Worksheet
 Dim comment_string As String 'To store the comment
 Dim Column As Integer
 Dim Row As Integer
 Dim match_Row As Integer
 Dim comments_Column_Name As String '
 Dim Comments_Column_Value As String 
 Dim Comments_ProjCode As String 'To store the project code
 Dim RangeObj As Range

Set CSAT_Comments = ActiveWorkbook
Set comment = CSAT_Comments.Worksheets("Qualitative Analysis_2018 Cycle") ' 
Set matchcomment = CSAT_Comments.Worksheets("Consolidated Comments") '

Dim range1 As Range
Dim rng As Range

Set range1 = matchcomment.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)) 

For Each rng In range1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

comment_string = rng.Value ' Comment text will be stored
match_Row = rng.Row 'comment row will be stored

With comment

      Set RangeObj = Selection.Find(What:=comment_string, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
    MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) ' to search for the comment in the comment worksheet

    If Not RangeObj Is Nothing Then               

    .Range(RangeObj.Address).Select 'Select the cell of the searched value
    Column = ActiveCell.Column 'Get the column number of the searched value
    Row = ActiveCell.Row ' Get the row number of the searched value

    comments_Column_Name = Split(Cells(, Column).Address, "$")(1) ' Trim the column name from the cell address
    Comments_Column_Value = .Range("" & comments_Column_Name & 1) ' Get the comment heading
    Comments_ProjCode = .Range("A" & Row) 'Get the project code

             With matchcomment
             .Range("C" & match_Row) = Comments_Column_Value ' Paste the comment heading name in the match sheet
             .Range("D" & match_Row) = Comments_ProjCode 'Paste the project code in the match sheet
            End With
   End If

End With
Next rng
End Sub

标签: vbaexcel


问题是Find()有 255 个长度限制


For Each rng In range1.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

    comment_string = Left(rng.Value, 255) ' <<<<Comment text will be stored up to 255 length
    match_Row = rng.Row 'comment row will be stored

    With comment

        Set RangeObj = Selection.Find(What:=comment_string, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
        LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
        MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) ' to search for the comment in the comment worksheet

        If Not RangeObj Is Nothing Then
            If RangeObj.Text = rng.Value Then '<<<< be sure the whole text matches

                .Range(RangeObj.Address).Select 'Select the cell of the searched value
                Column = ActiveCell.Column 'Get the column number of the searched value
                Row = ActiveCell.Row ' Get the row number of the searched value

                comments_Column_Name = Split(Cells(, Column).Address, "$")(1) ' Trim the column name from the cell address
                Comments_Column_Value = .Range("" & comments_Column_Name & 1) ' Get the comment heading
                Comments_ProjCode = .Range("A" & Row) 'Get the project code

                With matchcomment
                    .Range("C" & match_Row) = Comments_Column_Value ' Paste the comment heading name in the match sheet
                    .Range("D" & match_Row) = Comments_ProjCode 'Paste the project code in the match sheet
                End With
            End If
        End If

    End With
Next rng
