首页 > 解决方案 > 画笔描边洪水填充


晕!我正在尝试从 PhotoDirector 重新创建剪辑 https://youtu.be/GLNNCrp650Y?t=77

经过几次翻拍和接近,这就是我所在的地方。 自动填充

基本代码来自这里: http ://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/TextureFloodFill


由于我需要对多个像素进行采样(在单个画笔笔划上),我使用嵌套的 bool 类进行检查(尝试将颜色添加到列表并使用 List.Contains 每个像素检查。超级慢。这要快得多)

在当前附加的代码中,我(返回)使用 RGB。我之前使用过 HSBColor,但尝试回到 RGB,因为在 HSB 中存在如果 Sat 非常低或亮度太低/太高的情况,则很难比较该像素的相邻色调。我将要恢复到 HSB 并添加 2 个嵌套布尔值,仅 1 个 Sat>Brightness(对于饱和度 < 阈值的样本,并且仍然具有亮度,所以基本上是灰度值)另一个只是亮度(对于非常暗/亮)这个这样,在采样时,低饱和样本进入 Sat>Bri 库,低/高 Bri 进入 Bri 库。在测试像素时,首先检查 Bri 是否可以跳过 Sat/Hue 检查,或者检查 Sat 是否可以跳过(完整)Hue 检查。

我还没有尝试过(厌倦了从 HSB 到 RGB 的倒退...),因为我开始认为(部分)问题不在于像素检查,而在于GROW 检查。PhotoDirector(PD) 也具有非常好的边缘检测功能,并且可以以某种方式解决我遇到的碎片问题。在我的代码中,我正在检查下一个像素并以此为基础停止/继续。也许 PD 会检查前面的几个像素,如果它始终不同,那么它实际上会停止,如果它只有几个不同的像素,那么它只会在它们之上增长,从而取出像素。

PD 的另一件事是增长限制边界框类型的功能。我的代码,即使是一个小的笔触和小样本,如果它匹配并且可以增长到整个图像,它就会。PD 获得了增长的最大宽度/高度限制。我尝试了一个统一的彩色图像,它确实填充了盒子。我想也许 PD 的容差被设置为超过限制但使用这个限制边界框,它可以产生实心填充,但在我的情况下,如果我的容差太高,那么它只会在明显的边缘上增长(并继续整个图像...)所以我没有亲自添加这个边界框限制并等到实际填充更加稳定,特别是在拉丝区域附近。

TL;DR 在像 PhotoDirector 中的“画笔采样,在画笔点击上填充”的方法中,他们是如何做到的?它是更好的采样/像素颜色测试吗?还是他们增加像素检查的一种方式?




public class GLookup
public bool[] bBools;

public GLookup(int num)
    bBools = new bool[num];


public class RLookup
public GLookup[] gLookup;

public RLookup(int num)
    gLookup = new GLookup[num];
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        gLookup[i] = new GLookup(num);  


 static void ResetLookup()
    for(int i = 0; i < Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes; i++)
        rgbLookup[i] = new RLookup(Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes);
        rgbCheck[i] = new RLookup(Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes);

static void InsertLookup(Color32 rgb, float tol)
    int r = (int)(rgb.r/byteToLookup);// * Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes);
    int g = (int)(rgb.g/ byteToLookup);// * Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes);
    int b = (int)(rgb.b/ byteToLookup);// * Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes);

    if(r == Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes)
        r = Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1;
    if(g == Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes)
        g = Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes-1;
    if(b == Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes)
        b = Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes-1;

    rgbCheck[r].gLookup[g].bBools[b] = true;

    int tolNum = Grid.Paint.Options.maxTolNum;// (int)Mathf.Lerp(Grid.Paint.Options.minTolNum, Grid.Paint.Options.maxTolNum, tol);

    // Initial
    InsertLookupEntry(r, g, b);
    InsertNeighborSatBri(r, g, b, tolNum);

    // Hue fills
    int currentHue;
    // +- 5 hue if tol 1
    for(int i = 0; i < Grid.Paint.Options.hueFill; i++)
        // Higher hue
        currentHue = r + (i + 1);

        if(currentHue > Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes-1)
            currentHue = Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes-1;

        InsertLookupEntry(currentHue, g, b);
        InsertNeighborSatBri(currentHue, g, b, tolNum);

        // Lower hue
        currentHue = r - (i + 1);

        if(currentHue < 0)
            currentHue = 0;//            Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes;

        InsertLookupEntry(currentHue, g, b);
        InsertNeighborSatBri(currentHue, g, b, tolNum);
// This used to be for Hue/Sat/Brightness. But changed back to RGB, so this is similar as above's Hue tolerance fill

static void InsertNeighborSatBri(int r, int g, int b, int tolNum)
    int currentG;
    int currentB;
    for(int i = 0; i < tolNum; i++)
        // Add the min plus from given value
        currentG = g + (i + 1);
        currentG = Mathf.Clamp(currentG, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
        for(int j = 0; j < tolNum; j++)
            currentB = b + (j + 1);
            currentB = Mathf.Clamp(currentB, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
            InsertLookupEntry(r, currentG, currentB);

            currentB = b - (j + 1);
            currentB = Mathf.Clamp(currentB, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
            InsertLookupEntry(r, currentG, currentB);

        currentG = g - (i + 1);
        currentG = Mathf.Clamp(currentG, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
        for(int j = 0; j < tolNum; j++)
            currentB = b + (j + 1);
            currentB = Mathf.Clamp(currentB, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
            InsertLookupEntry(r, currentG, currentB);

            currentB = b - (j + 1);
            currentB = Mathf.Clamp(currentB, 0, Grid.Paint.Options.colorLookupRes - 1);
            InsertLookupEntry(r, currentG, currentB);

static void InsertLookupEntry(int r, int g, int b)
    rgbLookup[r].gLookup[g].bBools[b] = true;

// Take in list of points from a single brush stroke
public static List<Point> FloodCutBrush(this Texture2D aTex, Color32[] refPixels, List<Point> growPoints, List<Point> lastDotSample, float tolerance, bool[] history, bool isAdd)
int w = aTex.width;

    int h = aTex.height;
    List<Point> changedPixel = new List<Point>();
    Color32[] photoPixels = new Color32[refPixels.Length];
    System.Array.Copy(refPixels, photoPixels, refPixels.Length);

    bool[] existCheck = new bool[history.Length];

    Queue<Point> nodes = new Queue<Point>();


    // Setting up samples
    foreach(Point v in growPoints)
        // Out of bounds is not valid
        if(v.x < 0 || v.y < 0 || w < 0)

        int refId = (v.x) + ((v.y) * (w/2));
        if(refId >= photoPixels.Length)

        Color32 hsb = photoPixels[refId];

        InsertLookup(hsb, tolerance);

    // Fill search marks a pixel to alpha = 0. Then checks the top/bottom pixel and adds that to queue for future iteration
    while(nodes.Count > 0)
        Point current = nodes.Dequeue();

//this goes right

for(int i = current.x; i < w / 2; i++)
            int idx = i + current.y * (w / 2);
            if(idx >= history.Length)

            Point fullCoord = IndexToPoint(w / 2, idx);
            // Because color sampling from brush is half resolution, and photopixel is full resolution..
            fullCoord.x *= 2;
            fullCoord.y *= 2;
            int fullIdx = fullCoord.x + (fullCoord.y * (w));

            Color32 C = photoPixels[fullIdx];

            if(history[idx] && (C.a == 0 || RGBTest(C) == false))// && (C.b < highBright && C.b > lowBright))
                existCheck[idx] = true;

            C.a = 0;
            photoPixels[fullIdx] = C;
            // Queue up/down pix
            if(current.y + 1 < h / 2)
                C = photoPixels[fullIdx + w];
                if(history[idx] && (C.a != 0 && RGBTest(C) == true))// || (C.b > highBright || C.b < lowBright))
                    nodes.Enqueue(new Point(i, current.y + 1));


            if(current.y - 1 >= 0)
                C = photoPixels[fullIdx - w];
                if(history[idx] && (C.a != 0 && RGBTest(C))) // || (C.b > highBright || C.b < lowBright))
                    nodes.Enqueue(new Point(i, current.y - 1));


            existCheck[idx] = true;


        //this goes left, same as above but --x


    return changedPixel;

public static bool RGBTest(Color32 c1)
    int r = (int)(c1.r/ byteToLookup);
    int g = (int)(c1.g/ byteToLookup);
    int b = (int)(c1.b/ byteToLookup);

        return true;
    } else
        return false;


标签: c#image-processingflood-fill

