首页 > 解决方案 > Is there is a way that program is not asking for Admin password?


When I am trying to start "cmd.exe" as a Administrator, it won't ask for password and I can execute commands.

Below code is working good, but it is asking Admin password.

Is there a way that it should resolve automatically and run under local admin account?

string subCommand = @"dir";
        string subCommandArgs = @"c:\";
        string subCommandFinal = @"cmd /K \""" + subCommand.Replace(@"\", @"\\") + " " + subCommandArgs.Replace(@"\", @"\\") + @"\""";
        ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("runas.exe");
        procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
        procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        string finalArgs = @"/env /user:Administrator """ + subCommandFinal + @"""";
        procStartInfo.Arguments = finalArgs;
        using (System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
            proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo;

标签: c#



    void RestartIfNeeded() {
        if (!IsAdmin() {
            Process p= new Process {
                StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
                    FileName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName,
                    Arguments = //parameters here,
                    //Following two lines make process start as admin
                    Verb = "runas";
                    UseShellExecute = true;
    bool IsAdmin() {
            try {
                return new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()) 
            catch (Exception) {
                return false;

如果您的进程应该在启动时启动,您可以使用 Windows 任务调度程序的“以最高权限运行”功能。

                public static bool InitalizeScheduledTask() {
string TaskName=//TaskName here;
                    XNamespace taskNamespace =
                    XElement taskContents = new XElement(taskNamespace + "Task", new XAttribute("version", "1.4"),
                        new XElement(taskNamespace + "RegistrationInfo",
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Date", DateTimeToWin32Format(DateTime.Now)),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Author", WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Description",
                                "[Description here] "),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "URI", $"\\{TaskName}")),
                        new XElement(taskNamespace + "Triggers",
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "LogonTrigger", new XElement(taskNamespace + "Enabled", true))),
                        new XElement(taskNamespace + "Principals",
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Principal", new XAttribute("id", "Author"),
                                new XElement(taskNamespace + "GroupId", "S-1-5-32-545"),
                                new XElement(taskNamespace + "RunLevel", "HighestAvailable"))),
                        new XElement(taskNamespace + "Settings",
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "MultipleInstancesPolicy", "Parallel"),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "DisallowStartIfOnBatteries", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "StopIfGoingOnBatteries", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "AllowHardTerminate", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "StartWhenAvailable", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "IdleSettings", new XElement(taskNamespace + "StopOnIdleEnd", true),
                                new XElement(taskNamespace + "RestartOnIdle", false)),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "AllowStartOnDemand", true),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Enabled", true), new XElement(taskNamespace + "Hidden", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "RunOnlyIfIdle", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "DisallowStartOnRemoteAppSession", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "UseUnifiedSchedulingEngine", true),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "WakeToRun", false),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "ExecutionTimeLimit", "PT0S"),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Priority", 7)),
                        new XElement(taskNamespace + "Actions", new XAttribute("Context", "Author"),
                            new XElement(taskNamespace + "Exec",
                                new XElement(taskNamespace + "Command", Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName),
                                new XElement(taskNamespace + "Arguments",//Arguments ))));
                    string taskString = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-16", null),
                string tempLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(),$"{TaskName}.xml");
                    File.WriteAllText(tempLocation, taskString);
/*Run Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System), "SCHTASKS.exe") with the arguments $"/Create /XML \"{tempLocation}\" /TN {TaskName} /RP * /RU {Environment.UserName}"
I have no time to add that now, in that window you will need to enter your password and you have to be admin*/} 
    public static string DateTimeToWin32Format(DateTime toConvert) =>

