首页 > 解决方案 > SQL SELECT ALL of 2 列,乘以表 1 中的另一列和表 2 中的 INSERT



ID  |   CustomerID     Balance      Multiplying_Factor
1   |   739         |   500     |   8
2   |   3049        |   230     |   6
3   |   591         |   1050    |   10
4   |   035         |   85      |   5

下一步 [将上述值插入 Trade_Table]


** TradeID(随机 6 位数字)

ID  |   CustomerID      Stake       Turnover    ROI         Status          TradeID         Timestamp
1   |   739         |   250     |   2000    |   1750    |   Pending     |   750392      |   Currenttimestamp
2   |   3049        |   115     |   690     |   575     |   Pending     |   127543      |   Currenttimestamp
3   |   591         |   525     |   5250    |   4725    |   Pending     |   009765      |   Currenttimestamp


完成上述操作后,我想更新Balance. 对于我们上面的每个SQL 语句,还有什么?CustomerIDCustomer_TableSET Balance=StakeCustomerIDSET Multiplying_Factor=new_factor

**将为每一行new_factor自动生成value >5 but <12

我无法陈述我搜索过的各种来源,但请相信我,这超出了我的基本 SQL 知识,因为它与动态创建新值有关。我可以处理其余代码的大部分 PHP 部分,但目前高级 SQL 不是我的事。任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢!


    require("dbconnection.php"); // Require DB Details and Connection details

$conn->set_charset("utf8");// Set characters to UTF8

$sql = "SELECT CustomerID, Balance, Multiplying_Factor FROM Customer_Table WHERE Balance > 100";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

$GLOBALS['count'] = mysqli_num_rows($result);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

echo "<table id=\"t01\">
    <th>Customer ID</th>
  // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

        $GLOBALS['Stake'] = $row["Balance"] / 2;
        $GLOBALS['CustomerID'] = $row["CustomerID"];
        $GLOBALS['Balance'] = $row["Balance"];
        $GLOBALS['Multiplying_Factor'] = $row["Multiplying_Factor"];
        $GLOBALS['Turnover'] = $Stake * $Multiplying_Factor;
        $GLOBALS['ROI'] = $Turnover - $Stake;
  echo "<tr class=\"GridItems\">
  echo "</table>";


我现在的主要问题是如何从上面的结果集中为每个 CustomerID 插入 Trade_Table。


$Insert = "INSERT into Trade_Table (`CustomerID`, `Stake`, `Turnover`, `ROI`) VALUES ('$CustomerID[$i]', '$Stake[$i]', '$Turnover[$i]', '$ROI[$i]')";
$result = $conn->query($Insert);

但这只会插入一行而不是全部。我该怎么做?如何一次插入多个相应的数据。我已经尝试过“for each”语句,但我无法做到正确。

标签: phpmysqlsql



I'm not a PhP guy -so no help there

I can help you with framing the MySQL query alone


You want to manipulate the values in the 'customer' table and insert them into the 'trade' table

After the insert, you want to update the 'customer' table with the values from 'trade' table



mysql> select * from customer;
| ID   | customerID | Balance | Multiplying_Factor |
|    1 |        739 |     500 |                  8 |
|    2 |       3049 |     230 |                  6 |
|    3 |        591 |    1050 |                 10 |
|    4 |         35 |      85 |                  5 |


mysql> desc trade;
| Field      | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ID         | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| customerID | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Stake      | double  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| Turnover   | double  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| ROI        | double  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

我编写了您需要操作“客户”表中的值以获取股权/营业额/投资回报率的 SELECT 查询

mysql> select ID, customerID, (Balance/2) as Stake,     
((Balance/2)*Multiplying_Factor) as Turnover, 
(((Balance/2)*Multiplying_Factor)-(Balance/2)) as ROI from customer 
where Balance>100;
| ID   | customerID | Stake    | Turnover  | ROI       |
|    1 |        739 | 250.0000 | 2000.0000 | 1750.0000 |
|    2 |       3049 | 115.0000 |  690.0000 |  575.0000 |
|    3 |        591 | 525.0000 | 5250.0000 | 4725.0000 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


insert into trade select ID, customerID, (Balance/2), 
((Balance/2)*Multiplying_Factor), (((Balance/2)*Multiplying_Factor)-
(Balance/2)) from customer where Balance>100;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

'trade' 表中的 'SELECT' 显示您在问题中的预期结果:

mysql> select * from trade;
| ID   | customerID | Stake | Turnover | ROI  |
|    1 |        739 |   250 |     2000 | 1750 |
|    2 |       3049 |   115 |      690 |  575 |
|    3 |        591 |   525 |     5250 | 4725 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

现在对于 UPDATE 查询:

mysql> update customer join trade using(customerID) set Balance=Stake;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from customer;
| ID   | customerID | Balance | Multiplying_Factor |
|    1 |        739 |     250 |                  8 |
|    2 |       3049 |     115 |                  6 |
|    3 |        591 |     525 |                 10 |
|    4 |         35 |      85 |                  5 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


