首页 > 解决方案 > How to subset matrices in an list in R?


Currently, I have a list of 500 elements, named List.500. In each list, I have 3 vectors and 1 matrix. The first element is:

> List.500[[1]]
[1] 0 1

 [1] 0.05000000 0.06836735 0.08673469 0.10510204 0.12346939 0.14183673 0.16020408
 [8] 0.17857143 0.19693878 0.21530612 0.23367347 0.25204082 0.27040816 0.28877551

 [1] 14.48597 14.49662 14.51089 14.52915 14.55242 14.58129 14.61866 14.66572 14.72186
[10] 14.79531 14.88589 14.99356 15.13048 15.29701 

 [1] 16.48597 16.49662 16.51089 16.52915 16.55242 16.58129 16.61866 16.66572 16.72186
[10] 16.79531 16.88589 16.99356 17.13048 17.29701 

      g=0.05   g=0.07   g=0.09   g=0.11   g=0.12   g=0.14   g=0.16   g=0.18    g=0.2
bin=0 14.48597 14.49662 14.51089 14.52915 14.55242 14.58129 14.61866 14.66572 14.72186
bin=1 16.48597 16.49662 16.51089 16.52915 16.55242 16.58129 16.61866 16.66572 16.72186
      g=0.22   g=0.23   g=0.25   g=0.27   g=0.29    
bin=0 14.79531 14.88589 14.99356 15.13048 15.29701 
bin=1 16.79531 16.88589 16.99356 17.13048 17.29701 

I would like to subset out only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd elements from each of the 2 vectors (not including the first vector named two_values$bin and 1 matrix (1st, 2nd, 3rd columns), for each of the 500 elements of List.500. I want to leave two_values$bin alone.

Ideally, I would like to get:

> List.500[[1]]
[1] 0 1

 [1] 0.05000000 0.06836735 0.08673469

 [1] 14.48597 14.49662 14.51089

 [1] 16.48597 16.49662 16.51089

      g=0.05   g=0.07   g=0.09
bin=0 14.48597 14.49662 14.51089
bin=1 16.48597 16.49662 16.51089

for each of the 500 elements in List.500. Is there a simple way to do this without resorting to breaking the list apart and looping? Thanks.

标签: r


如评论所述,您可以使用rapply. 我认为您列表中的元素遵循某种模式,但出于演示的目的,我使用了以下数据。

List.500 <- lapply(1:3, function(x) list(two_values = list(bin = 0:1),
                 grid_points = list(grid = runif(16, 0,.3)),
                 mean_0 = runif(14, 14, 16),
                 mean_1 = runif(14, 16, 18),
                 mean_grid = matrix(runif(28, 14, 18), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)))


       function(x) {if(is.matrix(x)) {x[,1:3]} else {
         if(length(x) == 2) {x} else {x[1:3]}
       how = "replace")
