首页 > 解决方案 > 无法从上下文错误中推断出包含的约束


我正在努力在 Haskell 中重新创建一些基本的类别理论,但我遇到了一个问题。我的代码看起来像这样——非常标准。当然,这是隐藏 id 和 (.)。

class Category c where
    id :: forall a. c a a
    (.) :: c b d -> c a b -> c a d

-- Recover usual behavior of . and id
instance Category (->) where
    id = \x -> x
    (.) = \f g x -> f $ g x

class (Category c, Category d) => Functor c d f where
    fmap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)

data Comp f g x = Comp {getComp :: f (g x)}

instance (Category c, Category d, Category e,
      Functor d e f, Functor c d g) => Functor c e (Comp f g) where
    fmap = _


• Could not deduce (Functor d0 e f)
  from the context: (Category c, Category d, Category e,
                     Functor d e f, Functor c d g)
bound by an instance declaration: ...
type variable d0 is ambiguous.


标签: haskellcategory-theory



{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Prelude hiding (Functor, fmap, id, (.))
import Data.Coerce

class Category c where
    id :: forall a. c a a
    (.) :: c b d -> c a b -> c a d

    coerceC :: Coercible a b => c a b

-- Recover usual behavior of . and id
instance Category (->) where
    id = \x -> x
    (.) = \f g x -> f $ g x

    coerceC = coerce

class (Category c, Category d) => Functor c d f where
    fmap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)

到目前为止,一切都很好。我在 中添加了coerceC方法Category,我们很快就会看到原因。(profunctors包定义.##.大致相同的目的:http ://hackage.haskell.org/package/profunctors-5.2.2/docs/Data-Profunctor-Unsafe.html#t:Profunctor )


instance Functor (->) (->) [] where
    fmap = map

请注意,这[]是一个 Functor (->) -> (->)。洞察力是函子确定/“知道”源和目标类别。我们可以通过FunctionalDependencies.

class (Category c, Category d) => Functor c d f | f -> c d where
    fmap :: c a b -> d (f a) (f b)

然后我们可以继续Comp举例。注意: - 这是newtype为了coerceC工作 - 我放弃了Category约束,因为它们暗示Functor

newtype Comp f g x = Comp {getComp :: f (g x)}

instance (Functor d e f, Functor c d g) => Functor c e (Comp f g) where
    fmap = _


Found hole: _ :: c a b -> e (Comp f g a) (Comp f g b)


instance (Functor d e f, Functor c d g) => Functor c e (Comp f g) where
    fmap :: forall a b. c a b -> e (Comp f g a) (Comp f g b)
    fmap ab
        = coerceC
        . (fmap (fmap ab :: d (g a) (g b)) :: e (f (g a)) (f (g b)))
        . coerceC

