首页 > 解决方案 > how can I make this faster. By removing one element from an array, check if array is increasing seuence


Given a sequence of integers as an array, determine whether it is possible to obtain a strictly increasing sequence by removing no more than one element from the array.


For sequence = [1, 3, 2, 1], the output should be almostIncreasingSequence(sequence) = false;

There is no one element in this array that can be removed in order to get a strictly increasing sequence.

For sequence = [1, 3, 2], the output should be almostIncreasingSequence(sequence) = true.

You can remove 3 from the array to get the strictly increasing sequence [1, 2]. Alternately, you can remove 2 to get the strictly increasing sequence [1, 3].

[input] array.integer sequence

Guaranteed constraints: 2 ≤ sequence.length ≤ 105, -105 ≤ sequence[i] ≤ 105.

[output] boolean

function almostIncreasingSequence(arr) {

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (isSeq(arr.slice(0, i).concat(arr.slice(i + 1)))) {
        return true;

return false


function isSeq(subseq) {
    var sliced1 = subseq.slice(0, subseq.length - 1);
    var sliced2 = subseq.slice(1);
    return sliced1.every((el, index) => el < sliced2[index])


My code is slow. How can be improved.

标签: javascriptarray-algorithms





将 checkFunction 传递给将检查序列(数组)的函数,此 checkFunction 将接收数组中的当前元素和下一个元素。在我们的例子中, checkFunction 将检查当前元素是否小于下一个元素:

const increasing = isInSequence((current,next)=>current<next);

它使用 isInSequece 的返回值,它是一个部分应用的函数,其中 checkFunction 设置为检查当前元素小于下一个的函数。

如果 checkFunction 失败,则有 4 种情况:

  1. [1,2,3,2] last 和 second last 元素失败,只删除最后一个元素
  2. [1,10,2,3] 如果当前索引为 1(数字 10),则当前将使用 2 检查并失败。最好删除 10(当前)。
  3. [1,2,0,3] 如果当前索引为 1(数字 2),则 2 将被检查为 0 并失败。删除 0 最好不是当前数字,而是下一个
  4. [2,1,2,3] 第一个和第二个元素失败,只需先删除。

情况 1 和 4 不需要 checkFunction,因为可以根据 currentIndex 和 array.length 来决定要删除的数字。在情况 2 和 3 中, checkFunction 与上一个和下一个值一起使用,以确定最好删除当前项目还是下一个项目:

//compare A with C in ABC where A is previous, B is current and C is next
//  we just failed to compare current with next (B with C)
  //A with C passed, get rid of B
  ? [array[currentIndex-1]].concat(array.slice(next))
  //A with C failed, get rid of C (A with B passed)
  : [array[currentIndex]].concat(array.slice(next+1))


const isInSequence = checkFunction => (array,maxMissed) => {
  const recur = (missed,currentIndex,array) => {//compare lastIndex to next index
    if(currentIndex>=array.length-1) return true;//there is no next index to copare to
    var next = currentIndex+1;
        //compare to the last one failed, remove last
      }else if(currentIndex-1>=0) {
        //compare A with C in ABC where A is previous, B is current and C is next
        //  we just failed to compare current with next (B with C)
          //A with C passed, get rid of B
          ? [array[currentIndex-1]].concat(array.slice(next))
          //A with C failed, get rid of C (A with B passed)
          : [array[currentIndex]].concat(array.slice(next+1))
        //There is no previous element from current so remove current
        array = array.slice(currentIndex);
      next = 0;
      return false;//too many misses, return false
    //recursively call itself
    return recur(missed,next,array);
  return recur(0,0,array);

const test = (expected,value,message) =>
    ? console.error("Failed, expected:",expected,"got:",value,"message:",message)
    : console.info("Passed:",message)
//partially apply isInSequence with a function that takes 2 arguments
//  and checks if argument one is smaller than argument 2
const increasing = isInSequence((current,next)=>current<next);
test(true,increasing([1,2,3],0),"1,2,3 should return true");
test(false,increasing([1,2,3,2],0),"1,2,3,2 should return false");
test(false,increasing([3,2],0),"3,2 should return false");
test(true,increasing([2,3],0),"2,3 should return true");
test(true,increasing([],0),"[] should return true");
test(true,increasing([2],0),"[2] should return true");
test(true,increasing([2,3,2],1),"2,3,2 should return true (can remove last one)");
test(true,increasing([2,1],1),"2,1 should return true (can miss one)");
test(false,increasing([1,2,1,3,2],1),"1,2,1,3,2 should return false (can only miss one)");
test(false,increasing([4,5,6,1,2,3],1),"4,5,6,1,2,3 should return false");
test(true,increasing([4,5,100,6,7],1),"4,5,100,6,7 should return true (remove 100 would work)");
test(false,increasing([5,1,5,2,3],1),"5,1,5,2,5,3 should return false");
test(true,increasing([1,2,0,3,2],2),"1,2,0,3,2 should return true (can miss two)");

为了完整起见,我添加了以下代码,因为我的代码采用的 maxMissed 可能高于 1。在您的情况下,您只能错过一个,但如果您可以有多个未命中,则以下情况将错误地失败[0,1,100,101,2,3,4,5],允许 2 次未命中:

const showDebug = false;
const debugLog = function(){
const isInSequence = checkFunction => (array,maxMissed) => {
  const recur = (missed,currentIndex,array) => {//compare lastIndex to next index
    if(currentIndex>=array.length-1) return true;//there is no next index to compare to
    var next = currentIndex+1;
        return false;//too many misses, return false
        //compare to the last one failed, remove last
      }else if(currentIndex===0) {
        //There is no previous element from current so remove current
        array = array.slice(currentIndex+1);
        //try again with current or next element removed, if either returns true
        //  then return true
        return recur(
        ) || recur(
      next = 0;
    //recursively call itself
    return recur(missed,next,array);
  return recur(0,0,array);

const test = (expected,value,message) =>
    ? console.error("Failed, expected:",expected,"got:",value,"message:",message)
    : console.info("Passed:",message)
//partially apply isInSequence with a function that takes 2 arguments
//  and checks if argument one is smaller than argument 2
const increasing = isInSequence((current,next)=>current<next);
test(true,increasing([3,2,3],1),"3,2,3 should return true");
test(true,increasing([1,2,3],0),"1,2,3 should return true");
test(false,increasing([1,2,3,2],0),"1,2,3,2 should return false");
test(true,increasing([2,3],0),"2,3 should return true");
test(true,increasing([],0),"[] should return true");
test(true,increasing([2],0),"[2] should return true");
test(true,increasing([2,3,2],1),"2,3,2 should return true (can remove last one)");
test(true,increasing([2,1],1),"2,1 should return true (can miss one)");
test(false,increasing([1,2,1,3,2],1),"1,2,1,3,2 should return false (can only miss one)");
test(false,increasing([4,5,6,1,2,3],1),"4,5,6,1,2,3 should return false");
test(true,increasing([4,5,100,6,7],1),"4,5,100,6,7 should return true (remove 100 would work)");
test(false,increasing([5,1,5,2,3],1),"5,1,5,2,5,3 should return false");
test(true,increasing([1,2,0,3,2],2),"1,2,0,3,2 should return true (can miss two)");
test(false,increasing([3,2],0),"3,2 should return false");

// less performant version to fix this edge case (not your problem since only 1 can fail in your case)
test(true,increasing([0,1,100,101,2,3,4,5],2),"0,1,100,101,2,3,4,5 should return true (can miss two)");
