首页 > 解决方案 > Values of a vector are changing when they shouldn't be


I am writing a game engine from scratch as a free-time learning exercise. I am currently implementing a rendering queue, but the values of the vector in charge of the queue keep changing. (always to the same value of -107374176 when it should be 10.0f) The vector objRID is of type OBJR*, where OBJR is a struct containing position information, as well as a pointer to a bitmap. The bitmap library I am using doesn't seem to be the culprit, but it can be found at: http://partow.net/programming/bitmap/index.html.

The overarching exception is a read access violation of 0x1CCCCCCCC. I have stepped through the program and have found that the values of the struct change one by one every iteration of the "rep stos" after the 19th iteration. I have no real Idea as to how the "rep stos" could affect something which is seemingly unrelated. (A don't have a great grasp on assembler in the first place) I am very open to suggestions besides the error at hand.

If someone could explain how the following assembly affects the vector objRID I think I would be able to solve this problem myself in the future.

163: int loop()
164: {
00007FF7AC74D580 40 55                push        rbp  
00007FF7AC74D582 57                   push        rdi  
00007FF7AC74D583 48 81 EC A8 01 00 00 sub         rsp,1A8h  
00007FF7AC74D58A 48 8D 6C 24 20       lea         rbp,[rsp+20h]  
00007FF7AC74D58F 48 8B FC             mov         rdi,rsp  
00007FF7AC74D592 B9 6A 00 00 00       mov         ecx,6Ah  
00007FF7AC74D597 B8 CC CC CC CC       mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh  
00007FF7AC74D59C F3 AB                rep stos    dword ptr [rdi] <---- 19th - 26th iteration here

I hate to just throw the whole program in here, but I believe it is much less confusing this way.

The program is structured as such:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "bitmap_image.hpp"
#define maxObjects 1024

struct VEC2_f {
    float x, y;

    VEC2_f(float x, float y)
        VEC2_f::x = x;
        VEC2_f::y = y;

        VEC2_f::x = 0.0f;
        VEC2_f::y = 0.0f;

struct OBJR {
    VEC2_f pos, vel;
    int ID = -1;
    bitmap_image* Lbmp;

    OBJR(bitmap_image* Lbmp, VEC2_f pos, VEC2_f vel)
        OBJR::Lbmp = Lbmp;
        OBJR::pos = pos;
        OBJR::vel = vel;

    OBJR(bitmap_image* Lbmp, float x, float y, float vx, float vy)
        OBJR::Lbmp = Lbmp;
        OBJR::pos = VEC2_f(x, y);
        OBJR::vel = VEC2_f(vx, vy);

    //if -1 then ID isn't set yet
    int getID()
        return ID;

std::vector<OBJR*> objRID;
int IDCOUNTER = 0;
bool running = true;
HWND con;
HDC dc;

void objInit(OBJR* Lobj)
    if (objRID.size() > maxObjects)
        Lobj->ID = maxObjects;          }
    Lobj->ID = IDCOUNTER++;

void input()


void update()


VEC2_f interpolate(float interpolation, VEC2_f pos, VEC2_f vel)
    return VEC2_f(pos.x + (vel.x * interpolation), pos.y + (vel.y * interpolation));

void renderBitmap(bitmap_image* Lbmp, VEC2_f Ipos)
    unsigned int h, w;
    rgb_t colorT;
    h = Lbmp->height();  <--- Read access violation here
    w = Lbmp->width();

    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < h; y++)
        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            colorT = Lbmp->get_pixel(x, y);
            color = RGB(colorT.red, colorT.green, colorT.blue);
            SetPixelV(dc, x + Ipos.x, y + Ipos.y, color);

void renderOBJR(float interpolation, OBJR* obj)
    renderBitmap(obj->Lbmp, interpolate(interpolation, obj->pos, obj->vel));

void render(float interpolation)
    for (int i = 0; i < objRID.size(); i++)
        renderOBJR(interpolation, objRID[i]);

void resizeWindow()
    RECT r;
    GetWindowRect(con, &r);
    MoveWindow(con, r.left, r.top, 800, 600, true);

int init()
    con = GetConsoleWindow();
    dc = GetDC(con);
    return 0;

int loop()
{  //<--- this is where the disassembly was taken from and is where the Lbmp becomes invalid
    const int TPS = 60;
    const int SKIP_TICKS = 1000 / TPS;
    const int FRAMESKIP = 1;

    DWORD next_tick = GetTickCount();
    float interpolation;
    int loop;

    while (running)
        loop = 0;
        while (GetTickCount() > next_tick && loop < FRAMESKIP)

            next_tick += SKIP_TICKS;
        interpolation = float(GetTickCount() + SKIP_TICKS - next_tick) / float(SKIP_TICKS);

    return 0;

int deInit()

    ReleaseDC(con, dc);
    return 0;

void test() 
    bitmap_image bitmap = bitmap_image("testBW.bmp");
    VEC2_f pos = VEC2_f(10.f, 10.f);
    VEC2_f vel = VEC2_f();
    OBJR test1 = OBJR(&bitmap, pos, vel);
    renderBitmap(&bitmap, pos);


int main()

    return 0;

标签: c++assemblymemory64-bitgame-engine


rep stosd是实现 memset 的一种方法。一些编译器会内联它。

看起来您的编译器正在使用它来初始化堆栈内存,其毒性值为0xCCCCCCCC,4 * 0x6A字节。(注意它mov rdi, rsp前面有一个右边。)我假设这是一个调试版本,因为优化的版本不会做额外的工作。

总体异常是 0x1CCCCCCCC 的读取访问冲突。



或者您在局部变量超出范围后保留指向它们的指针,然后下一个函数调用将堆栈内存重用于其堆栈帧。调试模式代码毒化了它的整个栈帧,覆盖了你的std::vector<OBJR*> objRID;.


同样,0xCCCCCCCC 毒药正在寻找程序中的错误。

(@molbdnilo 发现了这一点。我第一次没有花时间仔细阅读你的整个 C++ 代码。)
