首页 > 解决方案 > 是否有任何新的 Text-to-Speech c# 库


我进行了一些探索,但似乎没有找到任何可以在 C# 中使用的新文本转语音库。你们有没有发现一些有趣的东西可以使用。我正在寻找一种听起来不会那么机械化的声音,或者一个使用某种文件管理器的库。

微软是否可能更新了库 System.Speech.Synthesis 或者他们是否制作了一个新库?

标签: c#wpftext-to-speechspeech


新事物之一是 Microsoft 认知服务。它允许您在项目中添加许多 AI 功能。其中之一是文本到语音 API。


Build apps and services that speak to users naturally. The Text to Speech API — part of Cognitive Services speech services — converts text to audio in near real time, improving accessibility and usability for customers. The API converts text generated by the app into audio that can be played back and saved as a file for later use.

The service speaks to users in multiple languages. Choose from more than 75 voices in over 45 languages or locales, including options for male and female voices, and adjust parameters like speed, pitch, volume, pronunciation, and additional pauses.

这是链接:https ://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/text-to-speech/

AWS 也有自己的 AWS 机器学习实施,如果您已经使用 AWS 作为基础设施,他们有文本转语音模块

这是链接:https ://aws.amazon.com/polly/what-is-text-to-speech/
