首页 > 解决方案 > 反射调用满足某个属性的类中的函数


我有几个实现IInfoProvider. 每个子类都有一个重新实现的函数providesInfoFor(),该函数返回string它可以执行操作的设备类型的名称。每个子类提供不同类型的操作。例如,ABCInfoProvider将声明像 and 之类的函数doThis($device)doThat($device)XYZInfoProvider将声明像doNow($device)and之类的函数doLater($device)。我没有实例化ABCInfoProvideror的任何实例,XYZInfoProvider所以它们没有出现在我的get_declared_classes. 这是一个基于 Laravel 的应用程序,下面是我正在尝试工作的代码片段:

//Works if I uncomment these two lines, which I don't want to do
//$a = new ABCDeviceInfoProvider();
//$a = new XYZDeviceInfoProvider();

//Iterate over each class
foreach (get_declared_classes() as $className) {

    //Check if the class derives from IInfoProvider
    if (in_array(IInfoProvider::class, class_implements($className))) {

        //Create an instance of the class since it derives from IInfoProvider
        $infoProvider = new $className();

        //Check that the IInfoProvider has a specific function on it
        if (method_exists($infoProvider, $action)) {

            //Call the function, this is equivlent to 'new ABCInfoProvider()->doThis($device);'
            $response = $infoProvider->$action($device);

            return response()->json($response);
        } else {
            return response()->json(['error' => 'Action not implemented for device'], 400);


标签: phplaravelreflection

