首页 > 解决方案 > 从点数组中查找给定点坐标的索引


给定一个 Point 数组和一个任意 x,y 坐标,找到最接近给定坐标的 _points的索引。

PointD[] _points
//create a list of x,y coordinates:
for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfArcSegments + 1; i++)

    double x1 = _orbitEllipseSemiMaj * Math.Sin(angle) - _focalDistance; //we add the focal distance so the focal point is "center"
    double y1 = _orbitEllipseSemiMinor * Math.Cos(angle);

    //rotates the points to allow for the LongditudeOfPeriapsis. 
    double x2 = (x1 * Math.Cos(_orbitAngleRadians)) - (y1 * Math.Sin(_orbitAngleRadians));
    double y2 = (x1 * Math.Sin(_orbitAngleRadians)) + (y1 * Math.Cos(_orbitAngleRadians));
    angle += _segmentArcSweepRadians;
    _points[i] = new PointD() { x = x2, y = y2 };



public void Update()
    //adjust so moons get the right positions (body position - focal point position) 
    Vector4 pos = _bodyPositionDB.AbsolutePosition - _positionDB.AbsolutePosition;   
    //adjust for focal point
    pos.X += _focalDistance; 

    //rotate to the LonditudeOfPeriapsis. 
    double x2 = (pos.X * Math.Cos(-_orbitAngleRadians)) - (pos.Y * Math.Sin(-_orbitAngleRadians));
    double y2 = (pos.X * Math.Sin(-_orbitAngleRadians)) + (pos.Y * Math.Cos(-_orbitAngleRadians));

    _ellipseStartArcAngleRadians = (float)(Math.Atan2(y2, x2));  //Atan2 returns a value between -180 and 180; 


double unAdjustedIndex = (_ellipseStartArcAngleRadians / _segmentArcSweepRadians);
while (unAdjustedIndex < 0)
    unAdjustedIndex += (2 * Math.PI);
int index = (int)unAdjustedIndex;

椭圆画得很好,(点数组是正确的,一旦针对视屏和相机偏移和缩放进行了调整,一切都很好)但没有从正确的点开始(我正在减少颜色中的 alpha,因此生成的椭圆会消失它从身体进一步得到)我花了几天时间试图找出我在这里做错了什么,并尝试了十几种不同的方法试图找出我的数学错误在哪里,但我没有看到它。

标签: c#mathtrigonometryellipse


我假设 _points 应该是一个 PointD 数组;这是获得离数组最近的点的最短方法(calcdistance 应该是一个计算欧几里德距离的简单函数):

PointD p = _points.OrderBy(p => CalcDistance(p, gievnPoint)).First();
