首页 > 解决方案 > 覆盖未定义和空值的 defaultDeep 和默认值的版本


我正在寻找 Lodash 的版本,defaults并且除了. 我已经查看了源代码,但无法找到一种简单的方法来让它工作。我宁愿使用一个可能基于 Lodash 的简单解决方案,也不愿使用我自己的解决方案。defaultsDeepnullundefineddefaultsDeep

标签: javascriptlodash


您可以通过使用lodash#mergeWithto merge objects withlodash#isNil作为识别条件来确定变量是null还是来解决此问题undefined

// Note: if you change `_.isNil` to `_.isUndefined`
// then you'd get the `_.defaults()` normal behavior
const nilMerge = (a, b) => _.isNil(a)? b: a;

const nilMergeDeep = (a, b) => (_.isObject(a) && !_.isArray(a))
  // recursively merge objects with nilMergeDeep customizer
  ? _.mergeWith({}, a, b, nilMergeDeep) 
  // let's use our default customizer
  : nilMerge(a, b);

// defaults not deep with null/undefined
const result1 = _.mergeWith({}, o1, o2, o3, nilMerge);

// defaults deep with null/undefined
const result2 = _.mergeWith({}, o1, o2, o3, nilMergeDeep);

const o1 = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3,
  d: null,
  x: {
    x1: 1,
    x2: 2,
    x3: null
  z: null

const o2 = {
  a: 9999,
  d: 4,
  e: null,
  f: 123,
  x: {
    x3: 3,
    x4: null
  z: ['a', 'b']

const o3 = {
  b: 9999,
  e: 5,
  f: 2,
  g: 234,
  x: {
    x4: 4,
    x5: 5,
    x6: ['hi', 'there']
  z: ['c']

// Note: if you change `_.isNil` to `_.isUndefined`
// then you'd get the `_.defaults()` normal behavior
const nilMerge = (a, b) => _.isNil(a)? b: a;

const nilMergeDeep = (a, b) => (_.isObject(a) && !_.isArray(a))
  // recursively merge objects with nilMergeDeep customizer
  ? _.mergeWith({}, a, b, nilMergeDeep) 
  // let's use our default customizer
  : nilMerge(a, b);

// defaults not deep with null/undefined
const result1 = _.mergeWith({}, o1, o2, o3, nilMerge);

// defaults deep with null/undefined
const result2 = _.mergeWith({}, o1, o2, o3, nilMergeDeep);

console.log('defaults not deep with null/undefined');

console.log('defaults deep with null/undefined');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.10/lodash.min.js"></script>
