首页 > 解决方案 > 通过引用返回包含对象的向量


我正在尝试编写一个函数,该函数返回一个由 n 个随机分数组成的向量。我收到一个奇怪的错误,告诉我“查看对函数模板实例化的引用,并且“类 Fraction:没有可用的复制构造函数或复制构造函数被声明为'显式'”。非常感谢任何帮助。


vector<Fraction> & genV(int n) {
    vector<Fraction> temp;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int n, d;
        n = rand() % (100);
        d = rand() % (100);
        // create a new random fraction
        Fraction *tempFraction = new Fraction(n, d);
        // push new fraction to vector
    return temp;


#ifndef FRACTION_H
#define FRACTION_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {
    int *numerator;
    int *denominator;
    int getNumerator();
    int getDenominator();
    void reduce();
    int gcd(int, int);
    // constructors
    Fraction();  // default c'tor
    Fraction(int n); // create a fraction of n/1
    Fraction(int n, int m); //  Fraction n/m
    Fraction(Fraction & other);  // copy c'tor

    ~Fraction();  // destructor
    Fraction & operator=(Fraction & rhs);
    // overload assignment operator
    Fraction & operator+(Fraction &rhs);
    Fraction & operator-(Fraction &rhs);  // overload binary operator -
    Fraction & operator-();  // overload unary operator -   (negative)
    Fraction & operator *(Fraction &rhs);
    Fraction & operator/(Fraction & rhs);

    Fraction & operator++();// overload prefix ++
    Fraction & operator++(int);  // overload postfix ++
    Fraction & operator--();// overload prefix --
    Fraction & operator--(int);  // overload postfix --

                                 //  overload relational operators
    bool operator >(Fraction & rhs); // return true if *this > rhs , false elsewise
    bool operator == (Fraction & rhs);
    bool operator < (Fraction & rhs);
    bool operator !=(Fraction &rhs);

    Fraction & operator+=(Fraction & rhs);
    Fraction & operator-=(Fraction & rhs);
    Fraction & operator*=(Fraction & rhs);
    Fraction & operator/=(Fraction & rhs);

    string toString();
    char * toCstring();
    bool isZero();  // return true if *this is zero

    int power(int base, int exp);
    Fraction & operator^(int n);

    friend istream & operator >> (istream & in, Fraction & rhs);
    friend ostream & operator << (ostream & out, Fraction & rhs);


标签: c++stdvector


Fraction(Fraction & other); // copy c'tor不是复制构造函数。

Fraction(const Fraction & other); // copy c'tor是一个复制构造函数。

