首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法检查每个超时的游戏结束条件,但调用主函数通过单个函数重新启动游戏


我正在制作一个游戏,其中我有 5 个玩家,每个玩家都使用一种方法移动,该setTimeout方法在调用另一种setTimeout方法后重复。

但是,当游戏结束时,我需要停止所有当前的超时并调用 main 函数重新开始游戏。由于英雄可以通过触摸任何恶棍而被杀死,我必须在他们的超时时检查这种情况。如果在任何超时中满足此条件,则清除所有超时并调用 main 函数重新开始游戏。


标签: javascripthtmlweb


setTimout 返回一个计时器 ID,您可以使用它 clearTimeout 来取消计时器。如果您跟踪这些 id,您可以在游戏结束时取消任何未完成的计时器。

let npcs = [];

let createNPC = (delay, logic) => {
  // create a function that runs the NPCs logic
  // and then calls setTimeout, storing the timer id
  // as a property of the returned function
  let runLogic = function () {
    runLogic.timerId = setTimeout(runLogic, delay);
  // start the NPC running
  runLogic.timerId = setTimeout(runLogic, delay);
  // return a reference to this function so we
  // can store it and use it later
  return runLogic;

let gameOver = () => {
  // loop through all the NPC functions and cancel
  // all of their timers
  npcs.forEach(npc => {
  console.log('Game over');

// create new NPCs and store them in the npcs array
npcs.push(createNPC(1000, () => console.log('NPC 1 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(1500, () => console.log('NPC 2 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(2000, () => console.log('NPC 3 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(2200, () => console.log('NPC 4 did something')));

// for the purposes of this demo, just end the game after 10 seconds
setTimeout(gameOver, 10 * 1000);


let gameLoopTimer;

let npcs = [];

let createNPC = (delay, logic) => {
  let npc = {
    logic: logic,
    delay: delay,
    lastActionAt: Date.now()
  return npc;

let gameLoop = () => {
  let now = Date.now();
  npcs.forEach(npc => {
    // if delay ms have passed since our last action, act again
    if (now - npc.lastActionAt >= npc.delay) {
      // run the NPC logic
      // update the last action
      npc.lastActionAt = now;

let gameOver = () => {
  console.log('Game over');

let startGameLoop = () => {
  let now = Date.now();
  // reset all of the NPC last actions
  npcs.forEach(npc => npc.lastActionAt = now);
  // start running the game loop
  gameLoopTimer = setInterval(gameLoop, 100);

// create new NPCs and store them in the npcs array
npcs.push(createNPC(1000, () => console.log('NPC 1 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(1500, () => console.log('NPC 2 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(2000, () => console.log('NPC 3 did something')));
npcs.push(createNPC(2200, () => console.log('NPC 4 did something')));


// for the purposes of this demo, just end the game after 10 seconds
setTimeout(gameOver, 10 * 1000);
