首页 > 解决方案 > Set specific billing period when ordering Endurance iSCSI storage


I'm currently writing some blue/green deployment scripts to provision VSIs on SoftLayer (aka IBM Bluemix aka IBMCloud), and I need to provision and attach a new iSCSI storage to every green machine, the blue VSI and iSCSI storage being canceled after a successful deploy. I use the ibmcloud command to provision the iSCSI disks, however it doesn't let me choose which billing method to use (Monthly or Hourly) and it uses the monthly billing by default.

Is there a way to specify to use the hourly billing method using the ibmcloud cli? If it's not possible, is it a feature that will be added to the cli? It seems like a critical feature in order to use the ibmcloud cli in automated deployment scripts.

标签: shellibm-cloud-infrastructureautomated-deploy


似乎没有选项可以使用 ibmcloud cli 命令更改每小时或每月的计费属性值。

使用此 ibmcloud 命令查看您可以设置的选项。

ibmcloud sl block volume-options

我建议您使用 slcli 而不是 ibmcloud cli,您可以使用以下 slcli 命令每小时订购一次块存储耐力。

slcli block volume-order --storage-type endurance --size 20 --iops 4 --tier 2 --os-type LINUX --location tor01 --snapshot-size 10 --service-offering storage_as_a_service --billing hourly

要登录,请使用以下 slcli 命令:

slcli setup


