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使用 watson 语音转文本我得到了以下输出。

{'results': [{'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['I', 0.09, 0.16], ["can't", 0.16, 0.48], ['even', 0.48, 0.67], ['believe', 0.67, 0.96], ['Michigan', 0.96, 1.45], ['went', 1.45, 1.74], ['for', 1.74, 1.87], ['two', 1.87, 2.1], ['against', 2.1, 2.44], ['always', 2.44, 2.72], ['you', 2.72, 3.05], ['should', 3.29, 3.55], ['just', 3.55, 3.72], ['play', 3.72, 3.89], ['it', 3.89, 4.02], ['safe', 4.02, 4.24], ['with', 4.24, 4.36], ['a', 4.36, 4.4], ['field', 4.4, 4.77], ['goal', 4.77, 5.04], ['whatever', 5.09, 5.47], ['you', 5.47, 5.62], ['said', 5.62, 5.9], ['that', 5.9, 6.12], ['own', 6.62, 6.89], ['aging', 6.89, 7.23], ['Pearson', 7.23, 7.95], ['is', 7.98, 8.14], ['ten', 8.14, 8.36], ['thousand', 8.36, 8.72], ['yard', 8.72, 8.99], ['record', 8.99, 9.5]], 'confidence': 0.752, 'transcript': "I can't even believe Michigan went for two against always you should just play it safe with a field goal whatever you said that own aging Pearson is ten thousand yard record "}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['while', 10.34, 11.06]], 'confidence': 0.417, 'transcript': 'while '}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['yeah', 12.3, 12.81], ['sure', 13.34, 13.78]], 'confidence': 0.556, 'transcript': 'yeah sure '}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['and', 14.42, 14.73], ["here's", 14.73, 15.12], ['our', 15.12, 15.21], ['calamari', 15.21, 15.86], ['Sir', 15.86, 16.24]], 'confidence': 0.959, 'transcript': "and here's our calamari Sir "}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['faster', 17.56, 17.97], ['wow', 18.01, 18.36], ['this', 18.36, 18.55], ['food', 18.55, 18.78], ['looks', 18.78, 18.92], ['amazing', 18.92, 19.53], ['thank', 19.56, 19.82], ['you', 19.82, 20.03], ['south', 20.48, 21.02], ['let', 21.17, 21.33], ['me', 21.33, 21.46], ['just', 21.46, 21.71], ['tell', 21.71, 21.92], ['you', 21.92, 22.16], ['yesterday', 22.37, 23.12], ['when', 23.15, 23.37], ['means', 23.37, 23.73], ['easy', 23.73, 24.01], ['at', 24.01, 24.15], ['blackfriday', 24.15, 24.59], ['shopping', 24.59, 25.13], ['like', 25.19, 25.51], ['L.', 25.59, 25.82], ['M.', 25.82, 26.15], ['fricking', 26.18, 26.58], ['Gee', 26.58, 26.97], ['it', 27.0, 27.15], ['was', 27.15, 27.37], ['cruel', 27.53, 27.81], ['Razi', 27.97, 28.73], ['we', 28.85, 29.08], ['started', 29.08, 29.54], ['me', 29.54, 29.73], ['sis', 29.73, 30.04], ['and', 30.04, 30.17], ['like', 30.17, 30.47]], 'confidence': 0.648, 'transcript': 'faster wow this food looks amazing thank you south let me just tell you yesterday when means easy at blackfriday shopping like L. M. fricking Gee it was cruel Razi we started me sis and like '}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['the', 31.31, 31.39], ['sales', 31.39, 31.77], ['were', 31.77, 32.03], ['horrendous', 32.09, 32.93], ['so', 33.19, 33.37], ['then', 33.37, 33.81], ['we', 33.88, 34.17], ['went', 34.17, 34.52], ['to', 34.52, 34.98], ['Charlotte', 35.01, 35.46], ['russe', 35.46, 35.81], ['and', 35.81, 35.97], ['let', 35.97, 36.08], ['me', 36.08, 36.17], ['tell', 36.17, 36.38], ['you', 36.38, 36.51], ['I', 36.51, 36.63], ['got', 36.63, 36.87], ['some', 36.87, 37.11], ['killer', 37.25, 37.86], ['deals', 37.89, 38.35], ['there', 38.35, 38.73], ['are', 39.13, 39.27], ['you', 39.27, 39.49], ['listening', 39.8, 40.33], ['to', 40.33, 40.47], ['everything', 40.47, 40.91], ["I'm", 40.91, 41.05], ['saying', 41.05, 41.61], ['yeah', 42.03, 42.39], ['yeah', 42.39, 42.8], ['no', 42.83, 43.2], ['of', 43.26, 43.37], ['course', 43.37, 43.85], ['not', 43.88, 44.12], ["it's", 44.12, 44.24], ['just', 44.24, 44.4], ['that', 44.4, 44.63], ['this', 44.63, 44.84], ['food', 44.84, 45.26], ['is', 45.26, 45.51], ['absolutely', 45.54, 46.17], ['fantastic', 46.17, 47.03], ['and', 47.35, 47.62], ['I', 47.62, 47.72], ['think', 47.72, 47.92], ['I', 47.92, 47.97], ['need', 47.97, 48.09], ['to', 48.09, 48.16], ['go', 48.16, 48.26], ['complement', 48.26, 48.71], ['the', 48.71, 48.77], ['chef', 48.77, 49.21]], 'confidence': 0.857, 'transcript': "the sales were horrendous so then we went to Charlotte russe and let me tell you I got some killer deals there are you listening to everything I'm saying yeah yeah no of course not it's just that this food is absolutely fantastic and I think I need to go complement the chef "}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['our', 49.9, 50.04], ['son', 50.04, 50.5], ['son', 50.77, 51.21]], 'confidence': 0.491, 'transcript': 'our son son '}], 'final': True}, {'alternatives': [{'timestamps': [['yes', 51.8, 52.04], ['Sir', 52.04, 52.25], ['what', 52.25, 52.39], ['can', 52.39, 52.51], ['I', 52.51, 52.55], ['do', 52.55, 52.7], ['for', 52.7, 52.85], ['you', 52.85, 53.08], ["I'm", 53.44, 53.95], ['in', 53.98, 54.16], ['love', 54.16, 54.56], ['with', 54.56, 54.68], ['this', 54.68, 54.82], ['calamari', 54.82, 55.4], ['please', 55.4, 55.7], ['just', 55.7, 55.96], ['give', 56.21, 56.39], ['my', 56.39, 56.5], ['regards', 56.5, 56.92], ['the', 56.92, 57.03], ['shaft', 57.03, 57.38], ['of', 57.67, 57.87], ['course', 57.87, 58.39], ['Sir', 58.39, 58.63], ['we', 58.63, 58.77], ['love', 58.77, 59.2], ['to', 59.2, 59.3], ['hear', 59.3, 59.53], ['that', 59.53, 59.88], ['thank', 60.05, 60.35], ['you', 60.35, 60.47], ['again', 60.47, 60.85], ['for', 60.85, 61.01], ['your', 61.01, 61.15], ['business', 61.15, 61.87]], 'confidence': 0.92, 'transcript': "yes Sir what can I do for you I'm in love with this calamari please just give my regards the shaft of course Sir we love to hear that thank you again for your business "}], 'final': True}], 'result_index': 0, 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False}, {'from': 60.05, 'to': 60.35, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': False}, {'from': 60.35, 'to': 60.47, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': False}, {'from': 60.47, 'to': 60.85, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': False}, {'from': 60.85, 'to': 61.01, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': False}, {'from': 61.01, 'to': 61.15, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': False}, {'from': 61.15, 'to': 61.87, 'speaker': 0, 'confidence': 0.581, 'final': True}]}





标签: jsonpython-3.xwatson


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