首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 C# 将同一对象模型的多个节点添加到 API POST 请求


我需要使用 C# 构造一个对微服务的 POST 请求,然后我需要为使用 specflow 和 nunit 从服务获得的响应编写测试。

示例 POST 请求正文如下。这适用于多个客户

  "documentType": "Consent",
  "customers": [
      "fullName": "Jane Smith",
      "custNumber": "7748"
      "fullName": "John Smith",
      "custNumber": "4488"
      "fullName": "Jonny Smith",
      "custNumber": "2748"

我的 specflow 场景如下所示

Scenario Outline: Validate customer names in consent for joint account holders 
Given consent service
And account holder(s) <customername>
When service is called
Then consent has correct customer name 
| customername                        | 
| "Jane Smith,John Smith,Jonny Smith" |  

任何人都可以帮我修改 sepcflow 步骤的代码,以便它可以满足多个客户的场景吗?

 [Given(@"account holders ""(.*)""")]
 public void GivenAccountHolders(string customername)
        var scen = ScenarioContext.Current.ScenarioInfo.Title;
        if (scen.Contains("individual"))
            api_reqBody["customers"][0] = new JObject
                {"fullName", customername},
                {"custNumber", "7748"},
            string[] split = customername.Split(',');
            api_reqBody["customers"][0] = new JObject
                {"fullName", split[0]},
                {"custNumber", "7748"},
            // How should I add the next two customer details 

api_reqBody 在“给予同意服务”步骤中声明

api_reqBody= consentSupport.CreateDefaultConsentBody()

同意支持类将 CreateDefaultConsentBody 方法定义为

     public static JObject CreateDefaultConsentBody()
            DocumentCreateServiceBody ConsentCreateReqBody = new DocumentCreateServiceBody();
            ConsentCreateReqBody.customers[0] = new customerModel { fullName = "testname", custNumber = "1111" };

DocumentCreateServiceBody 的类有

   public class DocumentCreateServiceBody
        public customerModel[] customers = new customerModel[1];


  public class customerModel
        public string fullName { get; set; }
        public string custNumber{ get; set; }

标签: c#specflow


