首页 > 解决方案 > 如何测试 pdf 是否已打开 - 使用 Excel 宏


我们有一个生成发票的 Excel 电子表格。我们现在需要将电子表格转换为 pdf 以通过电子邮件发送给客户。

我编写了一个宏,“按一下按钮”会生成 .pdf 并显示它(在 Acrobat 阅读器窗口中)。

但是,如果用户在 Acrobat 窗口仍然打开的情况下有意或无意地第二次按下按钮 - 宏错误。


Sub SaveAsPDF()
' SaveAsPDF Macro

    Application.Goto Reference:="Print_Area"

    sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
    'add 'Document Properties' CustomerName & CustOrderRef to the pdf doc.
    ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("title").Value = Range("H13").Value & "-ref:" & Range("H14") & "-" & FormatCurrency(Range("J115").Value, 2)

    'get Inv# and CustomerName
    'ThisFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Inv" & Range("H15").Value & "-" & Range("H13").Value & ".pdf"
    ThisFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Inv.pdf"

    MsgBox "The info. will now be copied to create a PDF Invoice." & vbCrLf & "Which will be saved in the 'Invoices' folder as:" & vbCrLf & ThisFile & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please press OK, and when the PDF window opens - print 2 copies on Invoice Stationery." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The PDF then can be closed.  (its already been saved)"
    '*** Note - this code arrors if pdf is already open !  ***

    'Create pdf. save it and display it on-screen - for user to print
    ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat _
                Type:=xlTypePDF, _
                filename:=ThisFile, _
                Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
                IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
                IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _

    'save & close the spreadsheet
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True

End Sub

Function IsFileOpen(fileFullName As String)
    Dim FileNumber As Integer
    Dim errorNum As Integer

    'MgBox "123" & fileFullName

    On Error Resume Next
    FileNumber = FreeFile()   ' Assign a free file number.
    ' Attempt to open the file and lock it.
    Open fileFullName For Input Lock Read As #FileNumber
    Close FileNumber       ' Close the file.
    errorNum = Err         ' Assign the Error Number which occured
    On Error GoTo 0        ' Turn error checking on.
    ' Now Check and see which error occurred and based
    ' on that you can decide whether file is already
    ' open
    Select Case errorNum
        ' No error occurred so ErroNum is Zero (0)
        ' File is NOT already open by another user.
        Case 0
         IsFileOpen = False

        ' Error number for "Permission Denied." is 70
        ' File is already opened by another user.
        Case 70
            IsFileOpen = True

        ' For any other Error occurred
        Case Else
            Error errorNum
    End Select

End Function

我发现(在 StackOverflow 中)宏来测试文件是否打开(与另一个用户一起),其他人看到:IsFileOpen上面的函数。但我不能让他们为我工作。例如IsFileOpen错误



  1. 文件是否存在?
  2. 如果是这样,它是否已经开放阅读?

标签: vbaexcelexcel-2007



Public Function fp_FilExs(pPne$) As Boolean
    fp_FilExs = CBool(LenB(Dir$(pPne, vbNormal)))
End Function


对于“2。如果是,它是否已经开放阅读?” :
Tools --> Options --> General --> Error Trapping选项
必须小于Break on all errors

例如,使用文本文件,在 Notepad++ 中打开甚至编辑,它是行不通的......

Public Function fp_InUse(pPne$) As Boolean
Dim iFreFil%
    iFreFil = FreeFile
On Error Resume Next
    Open pPne For Input Lock Read Write As #iFreFil
    fp_InUse = CBool(Err.Number)
    Close #iFreFil
End Function


   Select Case bResult
      Case FILE_IN_USE
         Label1.Caption = "File in use"
      Case FILE_FREE
         Label1.Caption = "File is available"
         Label1.Caption = "File does not exist!"
   End Select

