首页 > 解决方案 > 即使令牌是在邮递员中创建的,JWT 令牌仍为空


我正在使用 JWT 构建一个小型 API,并且在客户端使用其客户端 ID 密钥将其发送到 API 中创建带有客户端 ID 密钥的令牌之后,我尝试在创建令牌后在邮递员中取回该令牌成功但我得到响应 访问令牌未找到,这是我设置为响应,如果它无法在我创建的常量中找到令牌,该令牌位于 constant.php 中,请问我做错了什么,我试图编辑代码在我的源代码上,但什么都没有。请如果我的帖子需要更正,请进行编辑。

 api.php //where I generate my token and create_insert_new_delivery() is the function that checks the incoming parameter for adding a new delivery according to the API i am building

public function generateToken(){ //WORKS PERFECTLY, BUT WHEN I TRY TO GET THE TOKEN
    try {
    $client_id_key = $this->validateParameter('client_id_key', $this->param['client_id_key'], STRING);
    //$client_secret_key = $this->validateParameter('client_secret_key', $this->param['client_secret_key'], STRING);
    //client_secret_key should be commented out it is not used for validation for security purposes, only id key

    $stmt = $this->dbConn->prepare("SELECT * FROM `api_clients_properties` WHERE client_id = :client_id_key");
    $stmt->bindParam(":client_id_key", $client_id_key);
    $user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (!is_array($user)){
        $this->returnResponse(API_NAME_REQUIRED, "Invalid Client Id Key");

    if ($user['property_status'] == "not verified"){
       $this->returnResponse(API_NAME_REQUIRED, "Property not verified, please contact admin, to verify it");   

    $payload = [
       'iat' => time(),
       'iss' => 'localhost',
       'exp' => time() + (60),
       'userId' => $user['id']

    $token = JWT::encode($payload, SECRETE_KEY);

    $data = ['token' => $token];
    $this->returnResponse(SUCCESS_RESPONSE, $data);
} catch (Exception $e){
    $this->throwError(JWT_PROCESSING_ERROR, $e->getMessage());

public function create_insert_new_delivery(){
$c_payment_type = $this->validateParameter('payment_type', $this->param['payment_type'], STRING, true);

$c_date_of_delivery = $this->validateParameter('date_of_delivery', $this->param['date_of_delivery'], STRING, true);

$c_country_from = $this->validateParameter('country_from', $this->param['country_from'], STRING, true);

try {
      echo $token = $this->getBearerToken(); //Trying to get this token out, but its empty what am i doing wrong.

  } catch (Exception $e){
      $this->throwError(ACCESS_TOKEN_ERRORS, $e->getMessage()); //THIS "ACCESS_TOKEN_ERRORS" gives undefined token 


 //constants.php the constant to serve errors
   /*Server Errors*/
define('JWT_PROCESSING_ERROR',                 300);  
define('ACCESS_TOKEN_ERRORS',                 302);

标签: phpjsonapijwttoken


对于将来可能遇到问题的人,请确保您的授权值(即 Bearer)之间的空格是准确的,它们之间只有一个空格,例如Bearer YOUR.TOKEN.HERE 你的标题是这样的,您可以回显您的令牌,就像我在我的问题,您将获得所需的令牌。
