首页 > 解决方案 > Xamarin.Forms - AOT compile not working (for Android)


This is the repository that demonstrates this issue. This is simple standard project with one page. I created the archive for publishing (release mode). If I use the "AOT compile" option, I get the error:

"Apk failed to install Error:could not parse error string"

If I disable this option, then the APK works.

To use my test project, update the option AndroidSigningKeyStore in ApkSignerIssue.Android.csproj to point to file test.keystore in the folder test.

I'm on Windows 10 and I'm using Android Api 26. If I try Api 25, it does not work. I've tried using VS 15.5.7 and 15.8.0(preview) with "AOT compile" and neither of those work.

Without this option, XF+Android can not be used; the first load of the app will take 8-10 seconds.

It worked earlier, but now I can not build a package to release an update to my application.

标签: androidxamarin.formsxamarin.android


现在降级到 15.5.7 为我工作。


很好 - 我能够发布我的应用程序的更新。这很可悲——这是我三个月内的第四次降级(从 15.6 开始)。归档包不能正常工作三个月,三个月,卡尔!

