首页 > 解决方案 > ES6 class inheritance without "extends" keyword


I'd like to do inheritance in an es6 class without the extends keyword:

Typical approach:

class Foo extends Bar {
  contructor() {

What I am looking for is to generate an object with the same signature but using this pattern:

class Foo {
  contructor(Bar) {
    // use Bar class somehow


== EDITS ==


I build an extension (ami) for a JS library threejs. It provides new objects that seamlessly work in threejs.


threejs has an internal mechanism to generate unique ids for each object, that is critical for its proper behavior.

Current implementations rely on three to be exposed as a global variable, so anybody that creates an object must reference it to ensure the ids are actually unique.

// in ami
// ID of this object will be unique accros all classes
// that are based of global THREE.Mesh
class Foo extends THREE.Mesh {
  contructor() {

Using global variable works fine but I want to get rid of the global namespace requirement.

If I do not reference the same base elements in ami and in my application, id can conflict.

// in ami
import {Mesh} from 'three';

class Foo extends Mesh {
  contructor() {

// in my app
import {Foo} from 'ami';
imoport {Mesh} from 'three';

const foo = new Foo(); // it uses "Mesh" from ami as a base.
const mesh = new Mesh(); // it uses current "Mesh" as a base.
// IDs will conflict...

One solution that could work is that I provide a new argument in ami constructors, to provide the three reference:

// in ami
class Foo {
  contructor(mesh) {

// in my app
imoport {Mesh} from 'three';
import {Foo} from 'ami';

const foo = new Foo(Mesh);
const mesh = new Mesh();

But I do not know how to implement this solution.

标签: javascriptclassinheritanceecmascript-6


该答案解决了最初提出的问题,并且足以帮助 OP 改进问题并立即获得支持。如果您不是仅仅因为球门柱移动了而否决了它,我将不胜感激。

假设你没有疯,这是一个学习练习,学习如何实现它的最好方法是获取 Typescript,使用 extends 编写一个类,以 ES5 为目标对其进行编译,然后查看生成的 JavaScript。确保您的基类具有方法、属性、静态方法、静态属性以及带有混合必需参数和可选参数的构造函数。然后从中派生另一个类并覆盖一些方法并替换一些方法。你会看到认真对待它的人是如何做到的。
