首页 > 解决方案 > how to create repository or push code into subfolder over VSTS


i am trying to push new project from android studio to VSTS (Visual Studio Team Service ). I have used Team Services Git to import the existing project on VSTS.

enter image description here

now the problem is i really don't know how can i push my code into specific directory over VSTS shown in screenshot below.

enter image description here

whenever i click on import into Team Services Git it shows the dialog to enter my windows credential and after logging in successfully , i can just see the parent folder but not the child folder.

enter image description here

标签: tfsazure-devopsandroid-studio-3.0



Unlike Git, you should not import code in VCS.

In the version control bar, there should be a local changes option, select the folder and files, right click and choose commit changes, finally check in the changes. Then your local project should be sync synchronized to VSTS server side. Precondition: you have the correct workspace mapping for local Andriod folder.

enter image description here

You need first install the VSTS plugin for IntelliJ. This plugin is compatible with Android studio.

You could use GIT as your version control. Then it's not hard to create the repo and add/import code to your repo with git command line.

Detail tutorial please refer this link: VSTS Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

According to the comment, seems you want to use TFVC as your version control, you have to use the TEE CLC to provide the TFVC support.

For a Video tutorial, you could refer this link Getting Started with TFVC inside of Android Studio with the Team Services Plugin You could also take a look at my reply in How to Use TFS in Android Studio
