首页 > 解决方案 > TestNG Eclipse plugin does not appear to be installed after successfully installing


1.) I am on a Mac running Eclipse Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a) Build id: 20180405-1200
2.) Go to Help -> Install New Software...
3.) Add TestNG http://beust.com/eclipse
4.) Select the TestNG Plugins.
5.) Go through the screens to install it.
6.) Restart Eclipse when requested.
7.) Go to Window -> Show View -> Other...

EXPECTED: TestNG would be listed.

RESULT: TestNG is no where to be seen as an option in any context menus. I cannot create TestNG files.

I have tried running Eclipse as Clean per this thread: Why am I unable to show Ecplise-Plugin after successfully installed?.

I have tried manually deleting the p[lugins in .p2 via this thread: Eclipse: remove plugins that fail to load

I have used Oomph to fix what I did above using this thread: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/1723920/#msg_1723920

Does anyone know why the TestNG plugin options are not showing up in my Eclipse install?

标签: eclipseeclipse-plugintestngtestng-eclipse


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