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我正在尝试完成我的一个 C 作业问题。这是定义和示例 IO:






age 2
all 2
before 2
belief 1
best 1
darkness 1
despair 1
direct 2
epoch 2
everything 1
foolishness 1
going 2
had 2
heaven 1
hope 1
incredulity 1
it 10
light 1
nothing 1
of 10
other 1
season 2
spring 1
the 11
times 2
to 1
us 2
was 10
way 1
we 4
were 2
winter 1
wisdom 1
worst 1


在 main.c 中:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "function.h"
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char wordcollected [3100] = {0};
    char *word_ptr[100];
    int countarray[100];
    static char temp[31];
    int nth_word = 0;
        int n = strlen(wordcollected);
        word_ptr [nth_word] = wordcollected + strlen(wordcollected);
        if(strcpy(temp, fetch_word()) == NULL){
            for(n == strlen(wordcollected); n >= 0; n--){
            if(wordcollected[n] == ','){
                wordcollected[n] = '\0';
        strcat((wordcollected), temp);
        strcat((wordcollected), ",");
        nth_word ++;


我们的 TA 已经为我们完成了部分代码:


#include "function.h"
#include <stdio.h>

// fetch words from stdin
const char *fetch_word(){
    static char skip_symbol[] = " \t\n,.;:?()[]{}\"\"''" ;

    static char line_buffer[1024] ;
    static char *now = NULL ;

    // try to read a line from stdin
    for( ;; ){
        if( now == NULL)
            now = fgets( line_buffer, sizeof(line_buffer), stdin ) ;

        // End Of File?
        if( now == NULL )
            return NULL ;

        // skip symbols
        for( ; *now ; now++ ){
            int size = sizeof( skip_symbol ) ;
            int i ;
            for( i=0 ; i<size ; i++ ){
                if( *now == skip_symbol[i] )
                    break ;

            // if not match skip_symbol[]
            if( i >= size )
                break ;

        // End Of Line?
        if( *now == '\0' ){
            now = NULL ;
            continue ;

        char *word = now ;

        for( ; *now ; now++ ){
            int size = sizeof( skip_symbol ) ;
            int i ;
            for( i=0 ; i<size ; i++ ){
                if( *now == skip_symbol[i] )
                    break ;

            // if match skip_symbol[]
            if( i < size )
                break ;

        if( *now ){
            *now = '\0' ;
            now ++ ;

        return word ;

    return NULL ;


#ifndef __FUNCTION_H__
#define __FUNCTION_H__

// fetch words from stdin
const char *fetch_word() ;


函数 *fetch_word() 将在运行时返回一个指向 stdin 中每个单词的指针,如果函数已经到达 End-Of-File,也将返回 NULL。但是每次到达EOF时,它只是一直说分段错误并且系统停止了。如何检测 fetch_word() 的返回值,知道何时到达文件结尾,并防止丢失任何单词?

标签: cstringreturn-value


对于获取单词,您可以使用以下 fetch_words()。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

void print_word(const char *word, void *arg)
    printf("[Word] <%s>\n", word);

 * @fp   file pointer
 * @func recall function whch has two params (word, arg)
 * @arg  the second param of func
 * */
void fetch_words(FILE *fp, void (*func)(const char *, void *), void *arg)
    char area[256] = {0};
    char buff[128];
    int size = sizeof(buff) - 1;
    char *delim = " \t\n,.;:?(){}\"'";
    char *last;
    char *token;
    int len;
    char *pos;

    while (fgets(buff, size, fp) != NULL)
        /* Append part of buff into area */
        len = size - strlen(area);
        strncat(area, buff, len);
        pos = area + strlen(area);

        /* Split string in area */
        if ((token = strtok(area, delim)) != NULL)
            last = token;
            while ((token = strtok(NULL, delim)) != NULL)
                func(last, arg);
                last = token;

            if (last + strlen(last) == pos)
                /* Copy last token into area  */
                strcpy(area, last);
                /* Clean area */
                area[0] = 0;
                func(last, arg);
                last = NULL;

        /* Append left part of buff into area for next loop */
        if (len < strlen(buff))
            strcat(area, buff + len);

    if (last)
        func(last, arg);


int main(int argc, char *argv)
    fetch_words(stdin, print_word, NULL);

    return 0;

对于字数统计,您可以使用 hashmap ( Key , Value )。Key是单词,Value是单词的数量。

这是 C 中 hashmap 的简单实现: https ://github.com/foreverpersist/hashmap
