首页 > 解决方案 > SQL 数据读取器只读取 VB.net 中的第一行


我有一个数据库,其中包含一个名为restaurant. 该表有名为“time”和“tableno”的列,有 20 行。我正在使用此代码来读取数据:

    Dim connString As String = "server=DESKTOP-69QA9LH\SQLEXPRESS; database=servicedb; integrated security=true"
    Dim conn As New SqlConnection(connString)
    Dim command As SqlCommand
    Dim reader As SqlDataReader

    Dim query As String
    query = "select time,tableno from restaurant "
    command = New SqlCommand(query, conn)
    reader = command.ExecuteReader
    Dim d1 As DateTime = ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text
    Dim d2 As DateTime = reader("time")
    Dim diff As Short = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, d2, d1)

    If reader("tableno") = "2" AndAlso diff = "5" Then
        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
    End If

    If reader("tableno") = "2" AndAlso diff = "10" Then
        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
    End If       

    If reader("tableno") = "2" AndAlso diff = "15" Then
        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
    End If

    If reader("tableno") = "1" AndAlso diff = "5" Then
        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
    End If

    If reader("tableno") = "1" AndAlso diff = "10" Then
        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
    End If
    If reader("tableno") = "1" AndAlso diff = "15" Then
        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
    End If


'tableno' 2 的行是第一行,它改变了背景颜色。但是 'tableno' 1 是第二行,我无法读取这一行来更改背景颜色。


标签: sql-serverdatabasevb.netsqldatareader



  1. SqlConnection,SqlCommand并且SqlDataReaderIDisposable, 所以应该在using块中。
  2. 您只处理第一行,因为您没有使用循环遍历所有行。
  3. 只有一个“Button1”和一个“Button3”,因此虽然下面的代码将遍历所有行,但它每次都会更新相同的控件,因此您不会看到任何差异。在不知道您的屏幕是什么样的情况下,我无法为此提供解决方案。
  4. 你对类型有点模棱两可。例如,“差异”是一个short;但是您正在将其与字符串进行比较。在此基础上,我将假设 TableNo 列是int. 尝试确保将字符串与字符串进行比较,将整数与整数进行比较,等等。
  5. 考虑为您的变量提供正确的名称,而不仅仅是d1, d2
  6. DataReader 具有用于从列中获取值的强类型方法。
  7. 不要一遍又一遍地从读取器中获取相同的值,将其存储在局部变量中。
  8. DateDiff 返回长而不是短
  9. 我怀疑您想要大于或等于,而不是等于,因为您似乎想要显示预订的距离。
  10. 您需要将 ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text 从字符串转换为 DateTime


    Dim d1 As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text)

    Dim connString As String = "server=DESKTOP-69QA9LH\SQLEXPRESS; database=servicedb; integrated security=true"
    Using conn As New SqlConnection(connString)

        Dim query As String
        query = "select time,tableno from restaurant "
        Using command As New SqlCommand(query, conn)
            Using reader = command.ExecuteReader
                While reader.Read()

                    REM 0 because its the first column in the query. If you prefer to look it up, you can do reader.GetOrdinal("time")
                    Dim time As DateTime = reader.GetDateTime(0)
                    REM Its hard to tell from the posted code, so Im going to assume tableno is an int32
                    Dim tableNo As Int32 = reader.GetInt32(1)

                    Dim diff As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, time, d1)

                    If tableNo = 2 AndAlso diff >= 5 Then
                        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 2 AndAlso diff >= 10 Then
                        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 2 AndAlso diff >= 15 Then
                        Button3.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 1 AndAlso diff >= 5 Then
                        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 1 AndAlso diff >= 10 Then
                        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 1 AndAlso diff >= 15 Then
                        Button1.BackColor = Color.Brown
                    End If
                End While
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using


  1. 似乎 tableno 和按钮之间存在关系。
  2. 它总是将相同的颜色放在同一个按钮中。您可能希望颜色有所不同。


                While reader.Read()
                    REM 0 because its the first column in the query. If you prefer to look it up, you can do reader.GetOrdinal("time")
                    Dim time As DateTime = reader.GetDateTime(0)
                    REM Its hard to tell from the posted code, so Im going to assume tableno is an int32
                    Dim tableNo As Int32 = reader.GetInt32(1)

                    Dim diff As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, time, d1)

                    REM Consider turning this group of lines into a method which converts the diff to a color
                    Dim diffColor As Color = Color.Gray REM Default color
                    If diff >= 5 Then
                        diffColor = Color.LawnGreen
                    End If
                    If diff >= 10 Then
                        diffColor = Color.Brown
                    End If
                    If diff >= 15 Then
                        diffColor = Color.Red
                    End If

                    If tableNo = 1 Then
                        Button1.BackColor = diffColor
                    End If
                    If tableNo = 2 Then
                        Button3.BackColor = diffColor
                    End If
                End While
