首页 > 解决方案 > Can I run a service on the side of Outlook email server ? Also, can I embed HTML page with dynamic buttons in email ?


We are working on a project where I need to run a service on outlook email server. Let me explain!

We have to integrate a workflow with Outlook. So, if the user has a task assigned where he/she might have to approve/deny/reject an approval request, he/she should be able to do the same from outlook itself. So in the mail, itself buttons will be present to complete the task and user will not have to log in to perform the task.

Now user need not be on the same network all the time. He/she should be able to use their mobile network to perform the same task.

So is there a way to just perform the task and let it sit on outlook email server? and we keep running a service on email server which would contact our network whenever possible and send the appropriate request?

Also, how can we add dynamic buttons to email? Should we create a HTML and embed in email? Can we achieve this?

标签: javascripthtmloutlook


看起来您只需要开发一个 Outlook 加载项,它可以与您的 Web 服务通信并动态反映在 Outlook 中检索到的数据。请参阅演练:为 Outlook 创建您的第一个 VSTO 外接程序以快速入门。

您可以使用 COM 加载项中的回调过程自定义功能区 UI。对于加载项实现的每个回调,响应都会被缓存。例如,如果外接程序编写器实现getImage了按钮的回调过程,则调用该函数一次,加载图像,然后如果需要更新图像,则使用缓存的图像而不是调用该过程。此过程保持原位,直到加载项使用Invalidate方法发出缓存值无效的信号,此时,再次调用回调过程并缓存返回响应。Refresh然后,加载项可以通过调用该方法来强制立即更新 UI 。

Fluent UI(又名 Ribbon UI)在以下系列文章中有深入描述:
