首页 > 解决方案 > 使用谷歌播放的应用签名上传 Android APK 失败


我想将一个新应用上传到开发控制台并选择通过 google play 启用应用签名。我通常通过以下 gradle 配置签署我的应用程序并毫无问题地上传

release {
    storeFile file("C:\\android_keystore.jks")
    storePassword "pass"
    keyAlias "my_key"
    keyPassword "pass"


You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that is signed with a key that is also used to sign APKs that are delivered to users. Because you are enrolled in app signing by Google Play, you should sign your APK or Android App Bundle with a new key before you upload it.

标签: androidgoogle-playapk


这是以前用于 app sining 的相同密钥吗?从 Playstore 开始,需要相同的密钥来签署要上传的应用程序。
