首页 > 解决方案 > 子集只会不断增加值到最大值




if(!require(data.table)) {install.packages("data.table"); library(data.table)}
if(!require(zoo)) {install.packages("zoo"); library(zoo)}
if(!require(dplyr)) {install.packages("dplyr"); library(dplyr)}

depth <- c(1.1, 2, 1.6, 1.2, 1.6, 1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 2.1, 3.1, 3.8, 5.2, 6.1, 7.0, 6.9, 6.9, 6.9, 6.0, 4.3, 2.1, 2.0)
temp <- c(17.9, 17.9, 17.8, 17.9, 17.7, 17.9, 17.9, 17.8, 17.7, 17.6, 17.5, 17.3, 17.2, 17.1, 17.0, 16.9, 16.7, 16.9, 17.2, 17.5, 17.9)
testdf <- data.frame(depth = depth, temp = temp)


解决方案 1仅找到1:max. 类似的解决方案建议删除任何减少的值,其中diff将是负数。这些都不是我想要的。

setDT(testdf)[, .SD[1:which.max(depth)]]
    depth temp
 1:   1.1 17.9
 2:   2.0 17.9
 3:   1.6 17.8
 4:   1.2 17.9
 5:   1.6 17.7
 6:   1.2 17.9
 7:   1.5 17.9
 8:   1.7 17.8
 9:   2.1 17.7
10:   3.1 17.6
11:   3.8 17.5
12:   5.2 17.3
13:   6.1 17.2
14:   7.0 17.1


    depth temp
 6:   1.2 17.9
 7:   1.5 17.9
 8:   1.7 17.8
 9:   2.1 17.7
10:   3.1 17.6
11:   3.8 17.5
12:   5.2 17.3
13:   6.1 17.2
14:   7.0 17.1

解决方案 2使用diff和 arollapply来任意地对多行进行分类(n = 10此处)。在这个特定的用途中,我在最大索引上填充了额外的一行,为了得到它,必须设置diff0,否则rollapply停止远低于最大值。

testdf$diff <- c(diff(testdf$depth), NA) # add diff column and NA to empty cell
testdf <- testdf[1:(which(testdf$depth == max(testdf$depth)) + 1),] # subset to max depth row, plus one
testdf$diff[(which(testdf$depth == max(testdf$depth))) : (which(testdf$depth == max(testdf$depth)) + 1)] <- 0 # set any diff entry after max depth to 0, for rollapply to work

testdf <- testdf %>% 
mutate(diff = rollapply(diff, width = 10, min, align = "left", fill = 0, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
filter(diff >= 0)


   depth temp diff
1    1.2 17.9    0
2    1.5 17.9    0
3    1.7 17.8    0
4    2.1 17.7    0
5    3.1 17.6    0
6    3.8 17.5    0
7    5.2 17.3    0
8    6.1 17.2    0
9    7.0 17.1    0
10   6.9 17.0    0 # an extra padded row




findmindepth <- function(x) {
  maxdi <- NA
  mindi <- NA
  maxdi <- (which(x$depth == max(x$depth)) - 1)
  while(x$diff[maxdi] > 0) {
    maxdi = maxdi - 1
  mindi = maxdi + 1
  newx <- x[mindi:(which(x$depth == max(x$depth)) + 1),]

标签: rloopsindexingwhile-loopdiff



which_max <- which.max(testdf$depth)
encoding <- rle(diff(testdf$depth) > 0)

# these contain the start/end indices of all continuously increasing/decreasing subsets
ends <- cumsum(encoding$lengths) + 1L
starts <- ends - encoding$lengths

# filter out the decreasing subsets
starts <- starts[encoding$values]
ends <- ends[encoding$values]

# find the one that contains the maximum
interval <- which(starts <= which_max & ends >= which_max)
out <- testdf[starts[interval]:ends[interval],]
   depth temp
6    1.2 17.9
7    1.5 17.9
8    1.7 17.8
9    2.1 17.7
10   3.1 17.6
11   3.8 17.5
12   5.2 17.3
13   6.1 17.2
14   7.0 17.1


which_max <- which.max(testdf$depth)
if (which_max == 1L) {
  out <- testdf[1L, , drop = FALSE]
else {
  subset1 <- testdf$depth[which_max:1L]
  len <- which.max(diff(subset1) > 0)
  out <- testdf[(which_max - len + 1L):which_max,]
