首页 > 解决方案 > Extract value from tibble in R markdown inline code


I'm looking to access a value from a tibble using inline code in an R Markdown document.

The following code gives me a 1 x 2 tibble.


# Minimal working example
df <- tibble(
  Event = c("Swimming","Swimming","Swimming","Camping","Hiking","Hiking")

# Creates 1 row x 2 column
df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n))

If I create an object in a code chunk, I can select [1,1] and report that inline:

temp <- df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n))

# The most popular event was `r temp[1,1]`.

# which becomes "The most popular event was Swimming."

Is there a way to do that within my dplyr pipes without creating a new object? Ideally, I would be able to do it all via inline code, something like:

`r df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n)) %>% df[1,1]`  # fails

Stepping back, I'm looking for a generalizable technique to use to select particular rows and cells from within a series of dplyr commands without creating new objects along the way.

标签: rdplyrr-markdownknitrtibble


即使不在 R Markdown 中,您想要显示内联的代码行也不会运行,请在控制台中尝试。在管道中使用特殊运算符(如[, [[, )$时,您需要以前缀而不是像其他函数那样的中缀形式指定它们,像这样。请注意您尝试的代码的比较,或者使用[[向下钻取并仅选择文本而不是返回小标题。

df <- tibble(
  Event = c("Swimming","Swimming","Swimming","Camping","Hiking","Hiking")

df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n)) %>% `[`(1,1)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 1
#>   Event   
#>   <chr>   
#> 1 Swimming
df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n)) %>% `[[`("Event")
#> [1] "Swimming"

但是,这并不能完全解决您的问题,因为 R Markdown 使用反引号来表示内联代码,并且更改knitr用于查找和评估内联代码的解析规则很复杂,因此这里它会认为代码以`[`. 因此,您可以改为使用magrittr这些函数的别名,extractextract2在内联代码中:

Most popular event was `r df %>% count(Event) %>% slice(which.max(n)) %>% magrittr::extract2("Event")`

Most popular event was Swimming在渲染的降价中正确打印。
