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抱歉 - 我希望你不介意我问这个问题,但我是 SQL 新手 - 有人可以评论这些行在这段代码中的含义:

select b.recipeuuid
  into #rectemp
  from rec_recipe as a
       inner join rec_recipevalue as b
               on b.recipeuuid=a.recipeuuid
              and b.[value] in ('Green','Yellow')
       inner join rec_proditem as c
               on c.proditemuuid=b.proditemuuid
       inner join rec_proditemvalue as d
               on d.proditemuuid=c.proditemuuid
              and d.proditemvalueuuid=b.proditemvalueuuid
              and d.[name]='SetupType'

update a
   set a.[value]='1'
  from rec_recipevalue as a
       inner join #rectemp as b
               on b.recipeuuid=a.recipeuuid
              and b.proditemuuid=a.proditemuuid
              and b.proditemvalueuuid=a.proditemvalueuuid
 where a.[value] in ('Green','Yellow')

update a
   set a.[name]='Normal'
  from rec_proditemvalue as a
       inner join #rectemp as b
               on b.proditemuuid=a.proditemuuid
              and b.proditemvalueuuid=a.proditemvalueuuid
 where a.[name]='SetupType'

drop table #rectemp;

我理解这段代码的大致思路。它是关于如何更新(或更改)两个不同列的值:属性和颜色。在我使用适当的 UUID 加入它们之前,这两个项目位于两个不同的表中。仅当 Attribute = 'SetupType' 且 Color = 'Green' 或 'Yellow' 时,才应进行更新</p>


属性 = '正常' 和颜色 = '1'</p>

标签: sqlsql-servertsql


select b.recipeuuid
  into #rectemp
  from rec_recipe as a
       inner join rec_recipevalue as b
               on b.recipeuuid=a.recipeuuid
              and b.[value] in ('Green','Yellow')
       inner join rec_proditem as c
               on c.proditemuuid=b.proditemuuid
       inner join rec_proditemvalue as d
               on d.proditemuuid=c.proditemuuid
              and d.proditemvalueuuid=b.proditemvalueuuid
              and d.[name]='SetupType'
***#rectemp is a temp table. Data imported into the table***
update a
   set a.[value]='1'
  from rec_recipevalue as a
       inner join #rectemp as b
               on b.recipeuuid=a.recipeuuid
              and b.proditemuuid=a.proditemuuid
              and b.proditemvalueuuid=a.proditemvalueuuid
 where a.[value] in ('Green','Yellow')
  ***Column Value is updated to 1 based on Value is Green or yellow***
update a
   set a.[name]='Normal'
  from rec_proditemvalue as a
       inner join #rectemp as b
               on b.proditemuuid=a.proditemuuid
              and b.proditemvalueuuid=a.proditemvalueuuid
 where a.[name]='SetupType'
  *** Name column is updated to Normal ***
drop table #rectemp;
  *** Temp Table is dropped***
