首页 > 解决方案 > DataFrame - 嵌套字典中的表中的表


我使用python 3。


dictionary = {
    'HexaPlex x50': {
        'Vendor': 'Dell  Inc.',
        'BIOS Version': '12.72.9',
        'Newest BIOS': '12.73.9',
        'Against M & S': 'Yes',
        'W10 Support': 'Yes',
        'Computers': {
            'someName001': '12.72.9',
            'someName002': '12.73.9',
            'someName003': '12.73.9'
        'Mapped Category': ['SomeOtherCategory']

我设法创建了一个表,该表显示从第一个嵌套字典(以 开头'Vendor')的键创建的列。行名称是'HexaPlex x50'。其中一列包含带有数字的计算机,即嵌套字典:

{'someName001': '12.72.9',
 'someName002': '12.73.9',
 'someName003': '12.73.9'}

我希望能够在 column 下的单元格中的表内有键值对'Computers',实际上是一个嵌套表。






此外,我想为 BIOS 版本低于最新版本的数字或单元格着色。

我还面临这样一个问题,在一种情况下,包含计算机的字典太大以至于即使我设置了pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1). 这看起来像这样:


标签: pythonhtmlpython-3.xpandas


正如评论中已经强调的那样,熊猫不支持“子数据框”。为了 KISS,我建议复制这些行(或管理两个单独的表......如果确实需要)。


pandas 的缩写可以通过使用另一个输出引擎来规避,例如制表Pretty Printing a pandas dataframe):

# standard pandas output
       Vendor BIOS Version Newest BIOS Against M & S W10 Support     Computer Location      ...          Category4     Category5     Category6     Category7     Category8     Category9     Category0
0  Dell  Inc.      12.72.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName001  12.72.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
1  Dell  Inc.      12.72.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName002  12.73.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
2  Dell  Inc.      12.73.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName003  12.73.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory

[3 rows x 17 columns]

# tabulate psql (with headers)
|    | Vendor     | BIOS Version   | Newest BIOS   | Against M & S   | W10 Support   | Computer    | Location   | Category1    | Category2    | Category3    | Category4    | Category5    | Category6    | Category7    | Category8    | Category9    | Category0    |
|  0 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName001 | 12.72.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
|  1 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName002 | 12.73.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
|  2 | Dell  Inc. | 12.73.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName003 | 12.73.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |

# tabulate psql
| 0 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName001 | 12.72.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
| 1 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName002 | 12.73.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
| 2 | Dell  Inc. | 12.73.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName003 | 12.73.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |

# tabulate plain
    Vendor      BIOS Version    Newest BIOS    Against M & S    W10 Support    Computer     Location    Category1     Category2     Category3     Category4     Category5     Category6     Category7     Category8     Category9     Category0
 0  Dell  Inc.  12.72.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName001  12.72.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
 1  Dell  Inc.  12.72.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName002  12.73.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
 2  Dell  Inc.  12.73.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName003  12.73.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory

您还可以使用一些groupBy(..).apply(..)+ 字符串魔术来生成一个简单地隐藏重复项的字符串表示:

# tabulate + merge manually
|    | Type         | Vendor     | BIOS Version   | Newest BIOS   | Against M & S   | W10 Support   | Computer    | Location   | Category1    | Category2    |
|  0 | HexaPlex x50 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName001 | 12.72.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
|    |              |            | 12.72.9        |               |                 |               | someName002 | 12.73.9    |              |              |
|    |              |            | 12.73.9        |               |                 |               | someName003 | 12.73.9    |              |              |

样式输出可以通过新的样式 API生成,该 API仍然是临时的并且正在开发中:

样式化的 pandas 输出,其中一些单元格以红色突出显示


样式化的 pandas 输出,其中一些单元格以红色突出显示,一些单元格被隐藏


import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
import functools

def pprint(df, headers=True, fmt='psql'):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18528533/pretty-printing-a-pandas-dataframe
    print(tabulate(df, headers='keys' if headers else '', tablefmt=fmt))

df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Type': ['HexaPlex x50'] * 3,
        'Vendor': ['Dell  Inc.'] * 3,
        'BIOS Version': ['12.72.9', '12.72.9', '12.73.9'],
        'Newest BIOS': ['12.73.9'] * 3,
        'Against M & S': ['Yes'] * 3,
        'W10 Support': ['Yes'] * 3,
        'Computer': ['someName001', 'someName002', 'someName003'],
        'Location': ['12.72.9', '12.73.9', '12.73.9'],
        'Category1': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category2': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category3': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category4': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category5': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category6': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category7': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category8': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category9': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category0': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,

print("# standard pandas print")

print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=psql (with headers)")
print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=psql")
pprint(df, headers=False)
print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=plain")
pprint(df, fmt='plain')

def merge_cells_for_print(rows, ls='\n'):
    result = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in rows.columns:
        vals = rows[col].values
        if all([val == vals[0] for val in vals]):
            result[col] = [vals[0]]
            result[col] = [ls.join(vals)]
    return result

print("\n# tabulate + merge manually")

# https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/style.html
# https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.22.0/generated/pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.apply.html#pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.apply

def highlight_lower(ref, col):
    return [f'color: {"red" if hgl else ""}' for hgl in col < ref]

def merge_duplicates(col):
    vals = col.values
    return [''] + ['color: transparent' if curr == pred else ''  for pred, curr in zip(vals[1:], vals)]

with open('only_red.html', 'w+') as f:
    style = df.style
    style = style.apply(functools.partial(highlight_lower, df['Newest BIOS']),
                        subset=['BIOS Version'])

with open('red_and_merged.html', 'w+') as f:
    style = df.style
    style = style.apply(functools.partial(highlight_lower, df['Newest BIOS']),
                        subset=['BIOS Version'])
    style = style.apply(merge_duplicates)
