首页 > 解决方案 > Angular Js orderBy with input values


I'm having issues with the orderBy filter. The following code will order my initiative column just fine. When I type a value into the input, the filter automatically begins ordering the values just as I want it to.

However, if I type a value into the input that raises that character higher in the list the input will close out before I can finish typing that value.

If the value I type into the input drops the character lower down the list then that input does not close and allows me to finish typing my value.

Can anyone explain this behavior?

<tr ng-repeat="char in localChars | orderBy: '-initiative'">
    <td ng-hide='show' ng-click='show = true'>{{char.initiative}}</td>
    <td ng-show='show'>
        <input ng-blur='initiative(char)' ng-model='char.initiative' type="text">

标签: angularjs



  1. 用户在输入中输入更改 的值char.initiative
  2. 这会导致列表通过ng-repeat.
  3. 的作用域ng-repeat被重新初始化,导致局部show变量失去它的值(记住,ng-repeat有它自己的作用域)。


<input ng-blur="initiative(char)" 
       ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
       type="text" />
